
May 27: Top 3 Twitter Trends Explained On EveryEvery


Twitter trends for today have come with mixed reactions and emotions following them. Though you might have been using some of them to trend your tweets on Twitter, here are the stories behind them.

We have promised to always serve you with background stories behind the Twitter trends so you do not need to just be on the social media platform, using the #tags but clueless about how they became popular.

We have you covered and you do not need to read all the threads on Twitter, just read this and you are god to go. 

Twitter Trends

#JusticeForFloyd / #JusticeForGeorgeFloyd / #icantbreathe

These are the most active and used #tags from Twitter trends for today. These Twitter trends and #tags are from just one event, but the pains and emotional trauma from it have made it have so much #tags about it. These #tags came out after a disturbing video surfaced on the social media, showing a white police officer kneeling on a black man who was obviously struggling to breathe.

The black man identified as George Floyd was afterwards confirmed dead after he was taken to the hospital as a result of the manhandling and ill-treatment he got from the white cop. This development has again triggered the call for equality between blacks and white across the world and especially in the United States.

George Floyd Being Pinned Down by a Minneapolis Cop

Twitter users asked many questions that have kept begging for answers. They asked what the of offence Floyd committed that could warrant such treatment that led to his unfortunate death. Some of the last words heard from Floyd while he was being kneeled upon includes “ Please I Can’t breathe. My stomach hurts, my neck hurts. Everything hurts. They’re going to kill me.”

The Minneapolis Cop who was seen kneeling on the victim has been identified as Derek Chauvin, and four officers have been fired since the video surfaced on social media.

Though the case is currently being investigated, the life of Floyd has been wasted in a case linked to racism which has been such a huge source of concern for a while. 


Every May 27 is set aside to celebrate children across the world. The way this day is celebrated differs from country to country, but at least in Nigeria, it is always a public holiday. Events like match past, competitions among other fun activities take place on a day like this.

The amusement parks and fast food joints are always filled up, parents take out time to cheer their children up and give them nice treats. Those were the usual things to look forward to on children’s day until Coronavirus pandemic brought a new normal to the world.

2020 Children’s Day

This year’s edition of Children’s day would not be forgotten in a hurry as almost all of these activities are currently prohibited in most parts of the country for now. Since public gathering are not allowed parents would have to look for other ways to celebrate their wards this year.

These notwithstanding, Twitter users ensured that #ChildrensDay made it to the Twitter trends today. So in case, you forgot today’s date and you suddenly saw #ChildrensDay among the Twitter trends, don’t be surprised its truly children’s day. So celebrate your children and others around you, you can also celebrate yourself at least you are somebody’s child.


After every edition of the BBNaija reality TV show, there is always a winners but not all of these past winners have been as famous and active on the social media like that of the 2019 Pepper Dem season, Mercy Eke with Lambo as her nickname.

Mercy who announce that she would be going into real estate business recently has finally shown to the world the dept of her preparedness to make that happen. Today, she announced to her fans that her real estate company named Lamb Homes has started selling. She had earlier stressed that she wants Lambo Homes to be the best real estate company in Lagos State and again spread to the whole country gradually.

The ever trending Mercy would not be surprised as to how fast #LamboHomesNowSelling started trending on Twitter. Despite the rage over the unfortunate death of a black man killed by a white cop on Twitter, #LamboHomesNowSelling had a huge spot among Twitter trends for the day. 

Mercy Eke’s Lambo Homes is the first real estate firm that would be so announced and owned by any former housemate of the BBNaija show. This is a confirmation that Mercy is not planning to hold on only to what her entertainment career promises but has chosen to delve into more serious businesses majorly identified with men. 

Let’s meet tomorrow for another time together on Twitter trends and their background stories on Everyeveryng.