Love and Respect
‘To talk about how Love and Respect work, let’s talk about Love. Love’ is perceived by people in different ways; It is a close bond with another that goes deeper than affection, attraction, lust, or friendship.
It’s a deep mutual expression of respect, trust, honesty, integrity, intimacy, chemistry, and partnership.
When you love someone, you put him or her on the top of your priority list. You would do whatever it takes to see a smile on their face.
If one desires success in his relationship, one of the tool he must put in is to express love to his better half.
‘Respect’ is admiration felt or shown for someone or something, that you believe has good ideas, qualities or achievement.
Respect in a relationship is key, and it should be earned, it should not be forced if the relationship is to be a healthy one.
To show that you love your partner, you must respect them.
Love and Respect work together. To achieve a successful relationship, one has to nurture his spouse with love and respect.
A wife to submit (to respect) to her husband, while the husband should love his wife.
In order for the love to be visible and appreciated, you must apply respect, and vice versa.
On this note, let me warn that disrespect kills love faster than anything.
Once respect is omitted, the relationship deteriorates … then dies
Love is best experienced together, because you find it in each other, not separately;
Nevertheless, it should be noted that the ways women feel loved are quite different from men.
Love and respect go hand-in-hand. However, let us examine the ways men and women feel loved and respected espectively.
Men naturally experience love and respect first hand, when their women submit to them. By submitting to your husband, you’re showing that you love him
Men often feel most loved by the women in their lives when they hug them, kiss them, smile at them, and explicitly offer gratitude, praise, and words of affection.
Many men long to feel loved and respected by the women they love. Thus, when he is supported in the things that are most important to him, he feels loved.
For some men, having partners who support them in pursuing their hobbies or interests, careers, outside of the relationship is a very meaningful way of feeling loved and respected.
Every man wants his wife to trust him. Besides, lack of trust in a relationship would slow down the movement or better still, puncture the tyres of the relationship because you would keep suspecting every move he makes;
A lot of men today are reluctant to go into marriage because they’re afraid that they’d lose their freedom.
So, a man wants you to express your love for him by setting him free.
Let him experience the freedom to have time to be with his friends, he could have female friends (Platonic) too; now, that’s where your trust for him is seen.
Men too, I must urge you here and now, not to abuse the freedom given to you.
This is like one strong language the male folks understands very well. Men feel connected and loved through romance, different from the ways they connect through conversations, time together, gifts giving, among several others.
In no particular order, here are some ways women feel loved:
Women feel loved when their men express it, through words of mouth and written.
Men should respect their wives, even in the course of conflicts, men should choose their words and not be verbally abusive.
Women appreciate it when their men buy them gifts. It shows that you’re thinking of them, and want to put a smile on their faces.
No matter how small it could be, but getting her something on your way from work makes her feel loved.
Women feel loved through romance a great deal. Touching the right places and the right times and frequently too will go a long way to show love and respect.
Women want you to be understanding, and appreciative.
Let her know that you understand all efforts she’s putting into the home to help the family.
Just imagine that you helped your wife prepare breakfast, or help with laundry, etc. She wouldn’t need a confirmation that you love her.
We are rational human beings and know what we can infuse into our relationships to make it successful, so go ahead and try new things that will put a smile on your partner’s face.