Categories: TechnologyTutorials

How to Take a Screenshot by Tapping the Back Logo of Your iPhone (see video)


The new iOS 14 has some cool features that came with the update to all iPhones starting from iPhone 6s. one of these features is the back-tap function.

The logo at the back of the iPhone has generally been for fancy before now, with the logo just there to display that the phone is an Apple device by merely looking at it from the back. With iOS 14, Apple has shown that it had foresight into creating the iPhones as far back as 2017, with the release of iPhone 8, iPhone 8 plus and iPhone X. The back-tap function became available for devices ranging from iPhone 8 upwards to the recently announced iPhone 12.  The iPhone 7, 7plus and others below it do not have the ability to carry out this function that was introduced with the ios14.

STEPS: To activate this functionality, there are a few steps to be taken before you can make it work.

1. Go to the ‘SETTINGS’ application on your device;

2. Select the ‘ACCESSIBILITY’ option provided for you on the list of settings

3. Select the ‘TOUCH’ option on the list

4. Scroll down and select ‘BACK-TAP’ option

5. Click on ‘DOUBLE TAP’ or ‘TRIPLE TAP’ to select which gesture you would like to set to take your screenshot.

6. Click on ‘SCREENSHOT’ and then you’re set.

You can now take a screenshot with your iPhone by simply tapping the back logo on your iPhone either twice or three times depending on what you have set as the function.

There are other things you could set the back-tap function for asides taking your screenshots. You could set the back tap to be your app switcher, volume up or volume down button, mute button or lock screen among other functions.

Watch this video for a visual description of the steps to take to use this functionality.