
How to Cook a 2-Days Pot of Soup that will Feed 2-Adults


Regarding the current trend of the clergyman Rev. Hills Agbo who said you can cook a pot of soup for two adults that will last for two days with #400, someone has proven it to be possible. According to the person reacting to it, she shared how she was able to use the said amount to prepare a pot of soup. 

According to her, she said she has done it a couple of times but is mostly okro soup. She said: “We actually did that couple of times. But it’s okro soup. Although we had Maggie, salt and oil on the ground.” She said the type of soup is not one that things would die inside, which means no meat of course, but most importantly it was very sweet.”

How to Cook a #400 Pot of Soup

She further said: So take for instance you buy:

  1. Okra -100 (depending on your location and season of okra being available).

Currently, where I am, #300 can fill a very big bowl.

  1. Red oil-100
  2. Crayfish-50
  3. Maggi- 50
  4. Pepper and onion-100
  5. Without meat or fish.
  6. Total-400
How to Cook a 2-Days Pot of Soup that will Feed 2-AdultsHow to Cook a 2-Days Pot of Soup that will Feed 2-Adults

Enough to feed two adults for two days. That also means you have garri at home.