FG Gives 6 conditions For Schools To Reopen
The social distancing rule has necessitated the closing down of primary, secondary, and tertiary institutions all over the world, including Nigeria.
To this end, FG is looking towards the reopening of school due to outcries and the imminent damage further closure of schools could cause.
These considerations are not without some cautions, with the government giving 6 conditions that must be met if schools are to reopen amidst the coronavirus pandemic.
Hand Washing Facilities : The World Health Organisation, WHO and other reputable health organisations have prescribed frequent washing of hands with soap and running water for at least 20 seconds as a way to stem the spread of the deadly novel coronavirus.
This is because if contaminated hands are used to touch the eyes, ears or mouth, the virus could find its way into the respiratory organs making such person a victim of the virus.
Therefore, FG has mandated that hand washing facilities are to be provided by schools if they are to reopen for academic activities.
Body Temperature Checks: Victims of coronavirus have symptoms like a fever which increases the body temperature. In view of this, the checking of body temperature has been used as way of detecting those who might be carriers of the virus.
The Federal government, FG is requesting that institutions ensure that the body temperature of of their students, and workers must be checked to ensure that the virus is not further spread if and when they reopen.
Body Disinfecting : For schools to reopen, they government is asking that a body disinfecting point is provided at all entering points to the schools’ major facilities such as gates, hostels, classes, offices among others.
Many countries like China, USA have been employing this measure to stem the spread of he virus, especially at their airports.
4. Decontamination of Structures: The structures within the school premises have been required to be decontaminated to ensure that all surfaces are free from the virus.
According to the Federal Government (FG), the whole premises of each institution must be decontaminated.
5. High Level of Hygiene: Personal hygiene is another effective way to combat the coronavirus spread, and the government is requesting that if schools are to reopen amidst the pandemic, all efforts must be geared towards maintenance of personal and general hygiene.
6.Physical Distancing: A minimum of 2 meters space has been required between persons meeting physically as safety measure against contracting the virus.
Since the virus is said to be easily transmitted through droplets from the mouth or nose of a victim, it is advised to keep a reasonable distance from persons met.