Call for justice
A land soaked with blood from our brothers
Brothers like Cain dealing with Abel
Yet the father acts like its nothing
Until sounds comes from a vuvuzela,
He’ll stretch his leg on a stool like its nothing
When shaken he arrests to release the killer
Haa! Where’s the justice in our land?
The rich swallows billions then it is scandal
The poor nick in a pen then he’s thrown into gallows
Yet the judge feels equity is not the matter
Who will put an end to this?
When the end is blocked by bags of money
You mean no one is above the law in our land?
Hmmm! It is high time we cry for justice
Our neighbour tends to eliminate our food source
We screamed and wailed so as not to endanger our species
Yet our leader says let them continue to feast on it
While they continue to protect their own territory
It is written ‘leopards will defend their cities‘
Aarggh! Will, you not hear the call for justice?
We need to cleanse the blood-soaked land my brother
Defend the defenceless
Make equity in justice your priority
Life is surely in phases,
Mr. Judge, you have to think wisely
Because the table will always turn
Then you will also have to call for justice.