
A Black Girl Speaks: The Magic of Feminity


They like to hear me say black girl magic,
But would scorn if I snap and call me a witch.
Only pleasant if I stay stagnant on the off switch.
“Why do I still complain, the world is sane”
“A girl has education and a name”
So why don’t I remain quiet?
Keep my disquiet about the “miss” that precedes my name.

Born with a pussy, so stay pretty, prim and proper,
Stick with the Ps, backseat of the pew, feminity makes me a pauper.
Learn submission, salutation, servitude, men is your salvation.
Show gratitude, “women do not fight in wars”
I thought those were man made, but what do I know_
about power. In my mouth that tastes sour
You want me to cower, while you tower
Babel built by God, what could go wrong?

I hear your voices everywhere, condescending, reprimanding,
“See, a black woman in politics, that’s your viaticum”
“She played gimmicks, got her position via his cum”
You want to give and then take, then try to tell me the world’s not yours
Bater your ribs for my peace
So when I’m serpent talking, you can call me Eve
But who to talk to, Cain, Abel and Seth, yet not one female
Maimed our voices, called it siren calls
Not meant to be heard, just good enough for sight

You tell me with contempt, I have an advantage
I can get exempt by wiggling my ass
You can’t flaunt your weenie, so you make do with misogyny
Drop a compliment, “beauty with brain”
Like my sisters are one without the other
Like weapons are generally wielded without armours
Like we are yours to judge on the altar of humanness

I can tell you’ve got a query
As I claim to be centrepiece of the creator
As I stand at the centre of a podium
Paving ways on the path you blocked.
“Women have no problem”, you say
So why do I affirm my freedom,
and you hear a speaking drum of gender war?
If my license makes you shudder, here’s a restriction
I am a girl with no right to beg your pardon

I am without fear, my mother’s daughter.
I do not falter for being created as “other”,
Nor discredit my beauty to give prominence to my modesty.
I wear feminity like an armour fashioned in Eden.
Strap intelligence like a weapon made upon the sun.
I do not plea feminism, I forge a society that is fair to me.