
Women Are The New Cheating Ambassadors


Men are said to be configured to cheat as they are moved by what they see. Women on the other hand, whenever they are in love, will love with the whole of their hearts and find it difficult to cheat. It might interest you to know, however, that as the world is changing, so is this fact changing.

The rate at which DNA testing technology has revealed married women bringing forth children that belong to other men is alarming. Nigerian women most especially are now experts in this act of cheating and it’s now safe to tag some of them ‘the new cheating ambassadors’.

It has been found out that 3 out of 10 Nigerian men father a child that belongs to someone else. Research by non-governmental organizations also shows that Nigeria ranks high in paternity fraud. The statistics show that Nigeria is second in the world with around 30% of cases of paternity fraud in the population. The rate of unwanted pregnancies is also increasing by the day; not to talk about the number of baby mamas (women who gave birth out of wedlock). These and some other factors have made the feminine world to be labeled ‘cheating ambassadors’.

Promiscuity is very common among the male folks, no doubts. Many men who are married have women-friends, girlfriends, side chicks, and all other forms of sexual partners. A man could be in love and still cheat. In fact, it is not a new thing that married men cheat; bosses sleep with their staff, choirmasters in churches have sexual relationships with female choristers and so on. In this kind of society, it is very shocking to see a woman under a marriage oath to be caught in a sexual act with another man. There is a saying ‘’a man can have 100 concubines while it is forbidden for a woman to have multiple romantic partners’’.

Mr. Francis has a very beautiful wife; the mother of his three children. His wife gives him everything a man wants in a woman including money as she’s a politician. Despite all these, he cannot but cheat on his wife.

As a tall and handsome looking man, he was a delight for the opposite sex and he always makes it difficult for his wife to know about his sexcapades. His sexual partner names were even saved with masculine names on his mobile phone. When the story of the wife who met a male political leader in a hotel room surfaced, he threatened to kill her. This is the side our society takes to cheating; a married woman should never be involved.

See also: Nigeria Ranked As World’s Number 2 In Child Marriage

The results of my online poll show that people still feel that men cheat more in a relationship even though some believe women are not lagging behind in this act. Men and women were asked the question ‘Who cheats more in a relationship; man or woman?’ Here are some of their opinions:

As for me, a man cheats more. A woman loves with their whole heart while a man can love and still cheat. I can still sit on the fence here by saying it’s both sides. It actually depends on our personality.

Mr. Ndibam Nas, Ibadan.

Ladies do cheat mostly because of the hardship in the country. They need to meet up with fake trends an average Nigerian guy can’t provide for them. Some of these ladies play their game by having different guys for different functions i.e. finance, sexual satisfaction, power, and protection.

Alunsi Ndu, Anambra.

Cheating is applicable to both sides and it is all about the mindset. My opinion points to the fact that cheating is a choice and not a mindset.

Mr. Odo Moses, FUTA.

Cheating isn’t a gender thing. Everyone has a reason to cheat irrespective of gender but I think men are more inclined to cheat partly because they are polygamous in nature and they see it as a feat.

Miss Amineshi, Benin City.

Men cheat more. They are more promiscuous as they like having plenty to choose from.

Ifeanyi, Imo.

As for me, men cheat more in a relationship. Some men are not ready for relationship commitment like before. All on their mind is money, money, and money.

Akin, Washington.

Ladies cheat more. You just have to come to the area and see for yourself. Married women reporting in clubs and hotels.

Mr. Damisa, Ado-Ekiti.

Both parties cheat but these days, I’ll say women cheat the more. Some men take it as a feat so women cheat too as a payback while some do it to pay their long list of bills their husbands/partners can’t afford.

Francesca, Lagos.

Cheating is not a gender thing but a personality disorder. Yet, the male folks seem to go away with the blame most times. As soon as women have their rings on, it used to be a little bit difficult to be approached by men but that’s not the situation now.

Women these days give men greenlights and men most times don’t hesitate to take advantage. If the cheating percentage is 80-20% between men and women before, the feminine world has increased its game to about 40%.

Because infidelity is one of the most distressing things you can experience in a romantic relationship, it’s very important to understand why lovers (especially women) are motivated to be unfaithful.

A black couple talking about a serious issue

Here are seven things that influence women to be the new cheating ambassadors:

Lack of Love: People get into a relationship these days as a result of several reasons asides love. It may be pressure from family, marrying someone of your social status by force, taking money as the foundation in a relationship and so on. When a woman feels that you’re not the one for them, it is very easy to lay with the one they love when pushed to the wall. They can even fall out of love when they perceive the relationship to be boring, dull or stagnant. Women as a result of lack of love for the man in their life therefore cheat.

Sexual Desire: Some women are unsatisfied with the sex life of their relationship. At times, the man they are in a relationship with cannot satisfy them or are too busy to attend to their sexual urges. They find a way to cheat because of this reason. Some may even want to try something new with another partner or let’s say they want to test waters.

Neglect: A feeling that their partner is not paying attention to them or not spending time with them could also lead to sexcapades. A woman might feel you are in a romantic relationship with another woman since you are too busy for them. Some ladies can’t just wait but get another man to perform their needed duties.

Situation: situations such as vacation alone, when drunk or under a lot of stress, women have an urge to sexually explore. Many lovers have been caught this way and have led to a woman giving birth to a child that doesn’t belong to their husbands/partners.

Low Commitment: When there’s a low commitment or no commitment in a relationship, a second without partners will count and you may think about switching. Many women have found themselves in this mess because of no commitment to the relationship either by them or their husbands. A little break in the hedge brings in the serpent.

Anger: As suggested by one of the people interviewed, women cheat to pay back a cheating husband. When they suspect or know their partner has betrayed them, they want to get even. The motivation is always revenge and this has made women break their marriage oath too.

Lack of Money: The hardship in our land is also a factor. Married women and several ladies have to sleep with their bosses for money and other things. Women have to be trendy and attend parties, once their husband cannot satisfy their needs, they try to explore new territories. They want to have the latest iPhone, cars, fashion games in A-ratings and so on. Who else doesn’t want a good life? Single ladies are not excluded, they sleep with married men and those that can cater to their needs in this harsh economy. This thereby has the crown as ‘the new ambassadors of cheating’.

DNA testing technology has revealed this infidelity by married women. And it has made many faithful men resort to DNA paternity testing to get out of the hook. This should not be misinterpreted as women being the offender here, it is just a two-way thing.

Do well to share your thoughts on this topic in the comments section. Thanks for taking the time to read this piece.

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  • Well,based on my observation n tins happening in my neighborhood..’cheating as nothing to do with gender ‘ but in the other hand ladies cheat a lot n they’re very good in it .A lady can ave up to 5 men she is goin out wit witout her man knowing about them she do have diff way of hiding it n pretends bcs most ladies don’t cheat becs of love but bcs of Money

    • So there you said it. Where cheating is not a gender thing, more women are becoming very confident in their acts of infidelity. Don't you consider this a problem? One that affects the whole society?