
Why you keep Getting Into Toxic Relationships (Part2)


Our Own Unresolved Conflict

In toxic relationships, the bitter pill to swallow here is that you may actually be part of the problem. Most times, we don’t take into consideration the consequences of our decisions.

The meaning of this statement is that, if you are not alright from within, you tend to unconsciously project that same energy to the external world.

You cannot give what you don’t have. If there’s an unresolved internal conflict with you, there’s no hiding it. Everything starts from within.

We will be emphasizing the pattern of your behavior that can lead you into toxic relationships as the topic in itself is a broad and complex one.

Nobody likes to talk about this because responsibility is something we avoid, but if you want to have a healthy relationship, we have to dive in.

We are talking about how unresolved emotional conflict will be “translated” into a toxic relationship. And the best way to talk about this is through real-world examples

Consider this:

If I had low self-esteem, I could more easily tolerate neglect and toxic behaviors. Because my inner voice would tell me “it’s not that bad”

But what if I was insecure?

That could likely push me into the direction of a manipulator.

This is something you must look into, because your inner conflict can, and most likely will end up reflecting in your relationships.

Either we tolerate toxicity because of our inner conflict, or we ourselves become part of the toxicity.

This is why it is often stated that one cannot love another if one doesn’t love oneself first.

Love yourself, you cannot pour from an empty cup.

Self love cannot be overemphasized, it is the premise for all healthy relationships.

The summary of this whole article is that in order to change your dating pattern, you have to change your mindset and manner of approach. Rushing into things can be really risky.

To attract better, you have to become better yourself. you can’t do the same things and expect change. you can’t blame anyone or anything. start transforming your mindset. Start upgrading your habits and start being more positive.

Try to be more cerebral in your assessment. It will enable you to put things into perspective and potentially protect you and your heart. Take all the time you need.

Love yourself and be kind to yourself. you teach others how to treat you by how you treat yourself.

I sincerely hope that this article will be of great use to you.