
Why Watching Porn Can Be Good For You


There are a lot of articles, videos and general advice online and in real life about why you shouldn’t watch pornography. There are other claims that it is a positive and natural expression of sexuality and even helps promote healthy attitudes and perceptions around sex.

Don’t get me wrong, there are actually a lot of things about sex that porn gets wrong. We now live in a time when people have access to any type of content 24/7.  But little is said about porn’s redeeming benefits. Some therapists suggest pornography is a unique way to revive sexual desire. So what are the ways that porn is good for us?

It Increases Sexual Satisfaction

A sexual relationship can be enhanced when your imagination is allowed to run free. For those whose sex drive might be a little on the low side, it could help. A study by the University of California suggests that those who view more visual sexual stimuli (VSS) are likely to have a higher sexual drive.

It can help you discover what you like or don’t like. Porn is one of the ways we educate ourselves about ourselves. We learn about our desires, our hard-nos, our hard-ons, what delights us, what disgusts us, and what disgusts us in ways that, perhaps, we might like with the right person in the right circumstance.

It Promotes Bonding Between Partners

Partners that watch porn together tend to live their sexual fantasies with each other. Rather than cheating or thinking of sexual encounters with other people. It only becomes a problem when one partner shows more interest in viewing pornography than his or her spouse.

It Aids Masturbation

I’m going to write another article explaining why masturbation is good for you, but for now… Not everyone has a rich sexual imagination. So porn serves as a guide to the brain when you are in the mood to get sensual with yourself.

It Helps Relieve Stress

Like most sexual activities, watching porn helps to decrease stress. According to a study by Carnegie Mellon University, men who looked at hot pictures of women performed 50 percent better on a math portion of a stress test compared to guys who looked at non-sexual photos.

It Is A Way To Practice Safe Sex

Unlike having sex with another person (or other people *wink*), watching porn does not spread any disease or lead to unwanted pregnancy. And for those who are afraid to be judged, it doesn’t come with slut-shaming either. Also, using porn to satisfy your sexual needs is cheap and convenient.

It Helps You Feel Better About Your ‘Weird’ Fetishes

This might be a bit selfish, but porn exposes you to a lot of weird stuff that makes you realize you aren’t as wild as you thought.
It also helps you realize that your desires are legitimate and that while certain fetishes may not be as popular as others, they are out there.

So there you have it! As long as you watch it in moderation, porn can improve your sex life. Remember that it can be addictive, so be careful with how much of it you consume.