
Why do i feel so Empty?


Why do i feel so empty? Many of us feel empty or emotionally numb in very different ways. Some people feel empty because of an absence of a certain person or a loved one who they might have lost at some point in life. Certain signs indicate that a person has a void within them. Some people may stop caring for themselves Personal hygiene may become that last item on your agenda. Throwing yourself into your work or academics is another way people seem to deal with this. This feeling of emptiness usually leads to loss of interest in activities, especially ones which you used to enjoy at a previous time in your life.

People who experience these types of feeling do not derive any pleasure from activities that would usually give pleasure to an average Joe. You may find yourself lying down for countless hours just doing nothing or doing everything. Eagerly searching for that one thing that could spark a little excitement in you. Feeling empty has been linked with depression. Depression is a controversial subject because many people living with it are unaware. People assume that depression means sadness. However, when you feel this type of emptiness, you’re not necessarily sad but you’re just not interested in anything.

How can you overcome this?

Stop being in denial.

The first step to handling the problem is first acknowledging you have it. You may want to dismiss the thought of being depressed. Most of my friends make comments like “I’m 18, …. I’m 20…. what do I have to be depressed about”? Depression has no age limit. It could have resulted as a result of traumatic experience from your childhood which your brain still hasn’t been able to let go.

Find your self

Engage in different activities, find out what works for you. Try hiking, swimming, or exercising. If you have a hard time being in a public place, fine. Try writing your thoughts down, reading, talk to yourself, discover your wishes, your fears and your weaknesses. However, having issues with going out is another problem that may suggest something much worse with one’s mental health.

Spending time with yourself is very important because you get to understand yourself better. Eventually becoming able to know the reason for your empty feeling.

Explore your feelings of emptiness

Explore your feelings of emptiness

Katlin Slight, who is a marriage therapist also suggested exploring the below questions.

Have I been judging myself or comparing myself to others?

Do I tell myself positive things?

Or do I tend to notice failures or call myself ugly or stupid?

Are my feelings being considered in my relationships, or am I minimizing what I am feeling?

Am I actively tending to my physical and health needs?

Have I turned toward behaviors or addictions to avoid my feelings?

Am I focusing solely on the needs of another person or people?

What am I trying to prove or win?

Am I blaming myself or feeling guilt about things that are out of my control?

Am I showing myself compassion like I would with a close friend or family member?

Am I asserting myself in my decisions and respecting my personal opinions?