
What we really think about Captain Marvel


The Marvel Cinematic Universe is the highest-grossing film franchise of all time, so far they have made $14 billion in total at the box office.

There are a total of 21 inter-connected movies in the MCU each brining us live action adaptions of comic superheroes.

Captain Marvel is the 21st film that was released in March, 2019. It is set in the 90’s and introduces us to the newest addition to the Marvel Cinematic Universe. However, the movie isn’t without its own flaws.  As an Avenger fan boy, it saddens me to say this but in all honesty, I feel the only reason I watched the Captain Marvel from the start to finish was so I wouldn’t be confused or lost when watching “End game”.

The first issue with this movie is the titular character doesn’t seem to have any weakness, none of the villains pose a threat to her. At least we know superman is allergic to kryptonite while batman doesn’t like ” fathers day” and “mother’s day”.

The absence of a real threat takes away the stakes from the film, there’s no tension or what so over. You already know she has excess power and all of the aliens she’s pitted against are not even on her level. So how do you even care about the fate of its characters?

Underdeveloped Carol

Can we also talk about how underdeveloped “Carol -Danvers” was? Compared to the other characters we have come to know and love. In one film, they succeeded in making us feel as though we had been watching Captain America on the big screen for years.

Captain Marvel felt less serious, the story was so rushed, it didn’t give us time to figure out any characters motivations.  I can’t tell if the writers thought I would be okay to just copy and paste elements from previous marvel films without us noticing as far as they changed the lead to female. There was nothing tasteful about Brie Larson’s delivery. Her acting was inspired and she delivered her dialogue like she was reading off cue cards.

Although it has some good fight scenes, Captain Marvel has to be the worst movie in MCU history. The film, without a doubt falls so short of my expectations and it’s only redeemable factor is the back stories. For example, how Nick Fury lost his eye(even though it was so disappointing) and also showing us Agent Coulson in his “pre-talkative” days. In addition to these, the deageing technology too was amazing as expected with a marvel film.