
University Exams And The Inevitable Anxiety That Follows.


University exams a period students go berserk as soon as the time table is out. Only a few tend to remain unfazed by the news. The ones that spend most of their hours in the library aren’t an exception in most cases.

Several prayers punctuate the air during that period. You could hear a student saying “Oh God, can they just push the exams back a week”, I overhead one student praying all the examiners get diarrhea on the day the exam was scheduled to start. It’s that bad.

It makes one wonder why university students always seem unprepared and tensed whenever it’s time for examinations. High levels of stress can interfere with a student’s cognitive abilities and may hinder optimal performance. These guidelines could help you as a student or future examination candidate to erase any form of Exam tension you may experience.

Poor planning and time management;

Is a major problem university students face. The illusion of having ample time is what contributes to students being tense when examinations arrive. Some students fail to study until the 11th hour. This creates a web of problems, because you’d have to rush through a massive amount of material in a small amount of time.

While this works for some people, others end up getting with stress due to their inability to comprehend. Avoid distractions such as your mobile phones or computer.

A Positive Attitude To Studying;

In addition to properly managing time, develop a more positive attitude towards what you’re studying. Some tertiary universities are guilty of signing you up for a course which you had no intention of studying. The first reaction of a student would be to reapply or to switch courses. Most of these end up in a zilch. If such is the case and your attempt doesn’t yield favorable results, it is advised to make peace with what you were given regardless.

“I wasn’t given what I applied for” is not a suitable answer that even comes close to justifying why your grades are suffering. Learn more about the course with an open mind and you could thrive beyond your imagination.

Know What Works For You;

Also, it is always better to know what works for you & what doesn’t. Some friends prefer to read together but it doesn’t mean if your best friend assimilates better at night, the same will work for you. The moment you discover it’s not your thing, its best you quit as soon as possible because it’ll amount to failure.

Pre-examination stress and anxiety disorder (PESAD) as I recently coined is one of the major causes of poor performances in examinations.

It is vital to always keep in mind that you must strategically find a way of eliminating all forms of anxiety or tension during before or during examination season.

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