
Ultimate Reality Love Show, Does It Make Any Sense


So Nigerians are watching a love-themed reality Tv show called Ultimate Reality Love Show. Is the show good or bad? My opinion. It’s Terrible.

So what’s this Ultimate Reality Love show about? Well, it is about being in a house with 19 other roommates for two months till you find your Ultimate Love Partner. Crazy Huh?

Imagine being locked up in a house for two months, with over 20 people all looking for love. And that’s the price: The Ultimate Love. Other benefits include a traditional marriage ceremony sponsored by the organizers of the show. This is if they decide to get married and house. Also, an additional 5 million Naira if they stay married for a year.

This is the part I don’t understand about this Ultimate Reality Love Show. So this is a show where you want to help singles find their Ultimate partners, so how do you pair them up after a week of living together?

Make it make sense, please. Is seven days and two blind dates enough to help the housemates determine who they want to spend their life together?

Here I was talking about housemates given seven days, what of the last four housemates who came on Friday and was paired on Sunday. What level of Sorcery is this?

When I initially heard about this show, the first thing I thought was “two months is a short time.” Because can you really be sure you want a life with a person after only 60 days? But then again, lasting unions have been established in less time. There’s no hard and fast rule to this love thing.

Like most of the viewers, we all assumed wrong. I thought that the housemates will be on the show till the sixty days elapsed because that’s one way to properly get to know each other. But the organisers of this show are apparently love geniuses. They had better ideas.

So after one week, the houseguest were made to name their top three love housemate and were paired according to their choices. Let me explain, if Anthony and Martha picked each other as their number one preference, then they get paired together.

So now we have the successfully paired couples, and 6 six others who had to pair themselves up with whoever was seats next to them at the time, because they had no other options. The part that blew my mind?

These successful ‘couples’ are the official couples of the show, and couples are required to nominate other couples for eviction. (Sounds like an Asaba Nollywood movie, but it’s not).

How and why you expect these housemate to fall in love and get married is a question worthy for Jamb. The ridiculousness of it all was painful to watch.

Lets not even ask the most burning question here. What happens if one housemate falls in love with a housemate they weren’t paired with. We all know that the first person you find attractive isn’t necessarily who you end up with. So what happens then?

Uche Ultimate Reality Love Show.

Uche Ultimate Love House

Honestly, one housemate has left after he must have seen the ridiculousness of the whole show. I found it laughable when Aunty asked Uche to reconsider staying because there might be a connection. With Chris. The ONLY option left.

I have been laughing my heart out since that day. The comedy script is a gold mine. Heh

Why would anyone want to subject themselves to a relationship with a person they do not want in hopes that sparks ‘might’ fly? Isn’t that what we call abusive relationship. Stay and make it work, because you never know, he/she might change.

The whole point of any love reality shows is to give the housemate a variety of options with ample time and watch them choose their respective matches. But like everything in this country, its always by force.

I can categorically say that most couples in that house arent really into eavh other and its all for an act. Let’s not forget, its a reality show. Its all a front to win prizes and gain popularity.

And to think this Ultimate Reality Love Show airs 247. It’s obvious no serious thought was put into this, but still I’ll ask: what were the producers of this show thinking? And to think this show airs 247. Like, who Came with this idea? Is this even worth watching 24 hours. Make it make sense please.