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Tips on How to spend less and Enjoy More this Christmas


Do you know it is possible to enjoy the festive season as usual without breaking the bank? Ignorance is responsible for the bank-breaking Christmas and Newyear most people experience.

Everyone is concerned about saving money, especially in this period when most people are being ravaged by ‘sapa’. Despite the financial condition, consumerism seems to always win. The media and its pressure seem to always exalt lavish spending during the festive season.

Most people have forgotten the meaning behind December and January celebrations. The yuletide season is one of thanksgiving, for the birth of salvation and the beginning of a new year. The most important entity for this celebration is immaterial, not material. Family and not fancy items or clothing is the only necessity for celebration.

Once a family is complete, it doesn’t matter where the celebration takes place. Jesus was born in a manger why are you trying to travel to Dubai to celebrate his birth? Modern times put everything else as a priority for the Christmas celebration except the celebrant.

The church is the only necessary place to visit on the 25th. Beaches, restaurants, hotels and other hangout spots are not necessities. One is not expected to spend his/her last cash trying to go to fancy places.

The same logic goes with clothing. We wear clothes every day and while we can all agree the 25th is a special day, it has nothing to do with our outfits. Our everyday clothing is worthy enough for celebration if new ones cannot be afforded.

Another way to save during the yuletide season is to buy foodstuffs early. Prices are hiking every day, so it would be in one’s best interest to purchase what can be bought in bulk