
The Willoughbys (Netflix Animation)


The Willoughbys is a Netflix original animated movie directed by Kris Pearn based on the book by Lois Lowry’s “The Willoughbys”.

It tells the tales of a family of kids being neglected by their parents (Mr and Mrs. Willoughby) who are way more invested in their romantic life than the well being of their children.

The Willoughby Children

Their children; Tim, Jane and the twins both named Barnaby all conspired to get rid of their parents after finding an abandoned child (Ruth) at their doorstep.

I mean after all the neglect by their parents, why not become orphans?

They children overcome a lot of challenges, thanks to their babysitter (Linda) and the joyous owner of a nearby candy factory (Commander melanoff).

Commander Melanoff, baby Ruth, Jane and babysitter Linda

If you are a lover of animations, this is a good watch.