


Reading for leisure has been on a constant decrease   over the past couple of years, and is currently on an all time low. Only a fairly small number of people only read for pleasure, most of us only when it’s very necessary, whether it’s a pass a test or exam or menus at a restaurant. The most note-worthy special thanks should be given to the advent of social media, a person could find reading a hundred tweets on twitter more worthy of their time than reading 2 pages of a Sidney Sheldon novel.

Checkout these benefits of reading and why you must try to read at least one page of anything daily; article, essay, play, novel, even if its a restaurant review just read it!

Unlimited access to information

Have you ever come across the saying knowledge is power? Reading books equips you with more knowledge than you could ever imagine giving you the tool to be any to solve almost any and every problem that is thrown in your laps.

Outlet for stress:

Stress is an inevitable part of human experiences, in fact it is a necessary part. Its how we deal with it that determines if it becomes our way forward or our demise. Peoples methods of dealing with stress vary greatly, some may play video games or engage in an intense workout session. However, other people find peace when reading-especially fantasy literature. These books have the ability to let your escape and transport you a whole different world and  leave your problems behind. It has been proven to be a very effective therapy for stress.

Stimulation of the brain

Reading is sort of a cognitive exercise. Mental stimulation protects against the development of Alzheimer’s and dementia by preventing accumulation of beta-amyloid. Just like how the muscles of the body needs to be exercised in order to keep fit and in shape, So does the brain except this time its mental and cognitive exercises that are necessary e.g reading books. Research shows that playing chess also can stimulate the brain.

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