
Roles of Nigerian Students in Creating A New Nigeria


The genuine power and influence of a country depend not so much on its natural resources or on its military capabilities, but on its students. They make up the vital part of a nation as well as the pillar on which the national edifice is built. They are the greatest asset of a nation.

Before I proceed, I would like to elucidate on ‘Nigeria’ and the word ‘student.’

Nigeria, officially the Federal Republic of Nigeria, with a 2013 estimated population of 174,507,539 and a total area of 923,768sq km in West Africa, is a federal constitutional republic comprising 36 states, 774 local government areas, and the Federal Capital Territory, Abuja.

On the other hand, a student denotes a person who is studying at a university or other places of higher education.

Firstly, students act as bridges between two generations. They need to realize and understand the happenings of today, eliminating the bad and extracting the good so as to implement it for tomorrow.

Secondly, they are the guardians of freedom, justice, equality, ethics, and social equilibrium. They have the huge onus to see that iniquity, inequality, tyranny, exploitation, corruption, misuse of public funds, etc. are eradicated.

Thirdly, tribalism, religious conflict, regionalism, insurgency, criminalization of politics, indecency, indiscipline in society, etc. which characterize the Nigerian horizon and strangle our national progress, can be eliminated by the students of our country, by their various peaceful movements.

Additionally, we have a political arena where students are seen. With the right kind of motivation and guidance, they could become the most trustworthy, most accepted and sensible leaders for tomorrow.

Therefore, students can help in removing the diverse obstacles that impede our society, economy, and the nation.

Fourthly, students can also play a meaningful role in helping out the less privileged members of the society by fighting against sectional discrimination, social inequality and economic disparity so widespread in Nigerian society.

Fifthly, they can provide useful services by extending their helping hands in carrying out sanitation drives, promoting mass literacy programs, public awareness schemes, forestation projects, and undertaking social work for the upliftment of poor and economically backward people of the society.

Sixthly, Nigerian students can also provide significant services to the nation at the time of natural disasters such as earthquakes, floods, drought, and accidents. Students ought to lead in organizing swift rescue work during these national emergencies.

In fact, in many places in Nigeria, during such catastrophes, students have been the first ones to reach and begin rescue work. Students’ organizations have been giving laudable services to the nation in times of national need.

Seventhly, students can do something for the defense of Nigeria. They can get training in first-aid, fire-fighting, air-raid precautions, use of rifles and nursing, etc. They can help in maintaining internal peace and harmony.

Illustratively, students have played a significant role during Nigeria’s struggle for freedom. They possess immune youth power. In the absence of positive and constructive leadership, they are led astray.

The government should provide them with healthy and constructive leadership. In this way, they can be associated with bringing about social, economic, political and moral reforms in Nigeria. Thus they can play a pivotal role in the rebuilding and reconstruction of Nigeria.

Today, one of the greatest tragedies of our nation is the decline in patriotism. The spirit of regionalism, insurgency, and terrorism flourishing in some parts of the country is devastating the basic structure of our nation.

National unity and emotional integration are our needs. In this context, the students can play a significant role in promoting patriotism, national fervour, and a feeling of common brotherhood by opposing communal, ethnic, linguistic and separatist tendencies in the country.

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However, the recent trends observed in students’ movements such as frequent student unrest often lead to wanton destruction of public property and the politicization of educational institutions. They become mere propaganda agents of political leaders, getting involved in religious tussles and causing terrible public hardships by calling boycott, strikes, picketing, etc., too frequently. All these have had serious negative repercussions. Students must shun all these devilments.

In conclusion, there is no doubt about the fact that the future of any nation depends upon its students. They are the hope of tomorrow and the harbingers of the new century that is knocking at our door. They have the great potential to make or mar a nation.