
Rings of Power, New Lord of the Rings Series Causes Razzmatazz before Premiere


Rings of Power, the new Lord of the Rings Series, is billed to premiere on September 1st or 2nd (depending on the timezone) and has already started causing heavy restlessness among online fans of the movie franchise.

Twitter was literally active with the Rings of Power trend for several days now, and movie freaks have been going on and on about the possibility of the series outshining the Game of Thrones’ new show – ‘House of the Dragon’

Rings of Power, New Lord of the Rings Series Causes Razzmatazz before PremiereRings of Power, New Lord of the Rings Series Causes Razzmatazz before Premiere
Rings of Power, New Lord of the Rings Series Causes Razzmatazz before Premiere

Overseas, complaints from fans that attended the series premiere screening majored around overcrowdedness at the event centre.

Many lamented over standing for several hours just to get a glimpse of the TV series that have, since its announcement, triggered some aggressive reactions from film lovers.

In Nigeria, the reaction online was no different. Viewers that saw the trailer on the internet talked for days and are still talking about the content of the new episodes.