
Reasons Why You Should Start Your Business In University


Starting a business on campus when you’re still a university student is a great experience that could bring with it both positive and negative rewards. With access to a market of students setting up a business that caters to a student-specific need or another is a smart move for any business savvy college student.

Making mistakes is not punished severely

No one criticizes a college student who makes business mistakes, after all, you’re seen as not yet operating in the real world. The luxury being a college student awards you, is that you can start a business and even run it to the ground, with only a few people raising inauspicious eyebrows in your direction.

With this safe margin of little to no criticism, you can try out as many small business ideas and marketing strategies, as possible. Trying different things and failing at them, will teach you a lot about being an entrepreneur, will teach you a lot about what works and doesn’t work in the market, and will teach you the true essence of perseverance; which would ultimately determine your success.

You can hire other students for free or for cheap

University gives every student entrepreneur the advantage of hiring cheap labour for their businesses (by cheap, I mean low-cost).

The reason labour is cheap on campus is because most students have very little allowances to spend through the semester. These sums are sometimes finished within the first few weeks, and they end up stuck, looking for one way or another to get by the next month.

Hiring college students then makes your recruitment process easier, and ensures your profit margins stay higher than expected.

Access to free resources

The library gives you a wealth of information to learn from. From different book shelves covering different fields, you can gain a comprehensive knowledge of whatever you’re trying to do.

If your school has free library internet that is a plus. The free internet at the library also gives you a stronger research advantage. Since having cash to live through campus as a student could be hard, you could take advantage of the free internet to make your small business researches, and also expand your knowledge.

You can decide if that’s what you want to do in the long run

Since you have no real obligations or queries regarding the failure or success of any business you start, you could try out as many opportunities as possible that you discover on or off campus. Doing this while you’re still a college student gives you an opportunity to discover your passion weigh ahead of time.

Starting a small business in school would give you a sense of direction and purpose through your journey, and one day, you just may find what you’ve being looking for.

You can get the word out quickly

College students always love to talk about other college students that are creating an impact (especially when that also impacts their finances). With a plethora of students that can’t wait to talk about the next amazing thing they see happening on campus, you can be sure of some free publicity when you start a thriving business in school.

It’s a good setup for your professional career

Whether any of the businesses you start in college succeed or not, stating your business journey through your startups in your resume, would be a big plus in landing you your dream job.

Most organisations love go-getters, especially when they’d be active in the marketing department. With a track record of some form of marketing success in college, your resume could convince employers that you’re right to be on the team poised for the organisation’s growth.

If you have that cracking business idea, there is no need to keep waiting!