
Police Officer Dies Of Electrocution in Abuja


Police Electrocuted

A police officer in the Nigerian Police Force has reportedly been electrocuted to death in the Federal Capital Territory (FCT), Abuja.

The officer, Lasaka Habila was a chief superintendent officer in the Nigerian police force until his death. This was confirmed in a statement released by the Federal Emergency management agency, FEMA.

The statement noted that the Chief Superintendent of Police (CSP) Lasaka Habila was electrocuted while he was cutting off leaves from a tree in Garki, Abuja opposite the National Intelligence Agency (NIA).

There was a cutlass at the scene of the incident which was believed to be the tool that was being used by CSP Lasaka Habila, with the branches littered on the floor by the tree.

Director-general of the FCT emergency management agency (FEMA), Idris Abbas who was saddened by the incident, advised residents in the FCT to always seek the approval of the FCT parks and recreation department before they cut down any tree in the city.

The FEMA DG pointed out also that the rainy season currently being experienced would make most trees to grow out and make contact with electric cables which could conduct electricity through the leaves and branches, causing possible electrocution to whoever comes in contact with the tree.

The victim, CSP Lasaka Habila was confirmed dead after he was taken to the hospital by the FEMA search and rescue team.