
PENTAGON Secretary, Kirby, Gives Russia Way Out of Ukraine Attack


PENTAGON Press Secretary, John Kirby, has listed some conditions that, if met, would help avert the supposed inevitable war soon to happen between Russia and Ukraine.

But his speech came after the United States President, JoeBiden, had already given a marching order to the American Troops to the region in order to keep an eye on the Russian army activities.

Kirby added that “there are more troops in America on heightened alert” for possible deployment to the region amid stalled talks with Russia over its military buildup on Ukraine’s borders.

The press secretary earlier spoke in Washington, Pentagon, stressing that the United States is in close consultation with allies on possible and additional troop deployment.

He promised that the United States will certainly be as transparent in their dealings, especially if and when they decide to deploy additional forces on allied territory.

Meanwhile, as Moscow is willing to talk more to ease tensions over Ukraine, it was learnt that the Russian President Vladimir Putin, is accusing the United States of America, USA and its allies of ignoring Russia’s top security demands.