
Pastor Tony Rapu Comes To The Aid Of 26-Year-Old Drug Addict


A 26 year-old girl, identified as Lizzy has been picked off the streets by pastor Tony Rapu. The young girl has been spending the last 7 years of her life on hard drug and prostitution.

Lizzy told her story in a video where she explained how she came to start taking drugs.

In the video she says “I was introduced to crack and cocaine by my friend, he was my boyfriend. He used to put it in my weed, i didn’t know. But then he told he and i ask him to show me. That was when i got addicted.

The video shows Lizzy dressed in dirty closed begging from morning till in the afternoon for money; she tells lies to get handouts which she uses to buy more drugs and pay off dealers. At night she prostitutes herself.

Pastor Tony Rapu has taken her under his wing into a rehab facility where she is expected to make full recovery.