
Omah Lay Responds After Girlfriend and Boyfriend from Concert Makes Public Statements


Internet has been on fire since Friday over the Omah Lay’s concert escapades. The singer came under fire for dancing with a girl who attended the concert with her boyfriend.

Many false stories erupted. Some argued that the dance between Omah Lay and the girl was so well choreographed that it must have been staged.

Others pleaded that the Nigerian artist needed to make a public apology to the boyfriend who got embarrassed.

Lay maintained his silence despite the controversy. The girlfriend, identified as Jessani quickly described the comment section of her TikTok page due to the incessant bullying and threats.

The boyfriend made a video, asking the public for their opinion as to what to do concerning his relationship. Should he take her back or dump her?

Few days later, he was reached out for an interview where he clarified some misconceptions. He revealed that they were only dating for a few weeks and not seven years as initially heard.

After he came forward, Jessani made her own public statement. She made a video concerning the situation, revealing that her boyfriend was in agreement.

She claimed they had already talked about the possibility of her being called on stage. She revealed that her boyfriend was ok with it, however, things took a turn because of the public’s reaction.

Omah Lay Responds After Girlfriend and Boyfriend from Concert Makes Public Statements

Both parties confessed that the concert was not staged.

In all these, Omah Lay remained silent.

In a recent tweet today, he was seen thanking God and being extra happy.

Omah Lay Responds After Girlfriend and Boyfriend from Concert Makes Public Statements

It is unclear what has the artist excited.

Has he been reunited with Jessani or is this about something else?