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Okada Rider Drowns Live on Camera Trying to Dare Deadly Flood


An Okada Rider who dared to pull off a stunt while drifting through deadly flood on a motorcycle with two passengers has reportedly lost his life.

Live on Camera, he was captured attempting some difficult moves, showing how indecisive the unidentified rider was while conveying two other persons to manoeuvre their way past a deadly flood.

His eventual death was televised on a Twitter status. During the stunt, the other persons he was conveying jumped off the bike to save themselves.

Meanwhile, the bike man wanted to prove a point that he could cross over the flooded parts to a less ruined path, but unfortunately, he failed. The water swallowed his motorcycle and subsequently ruffled him until the point his body went missing.

Onlookers that witnessed how the tragic incident transpired, screamed without being able to offer any help in saving the confident Okada man.

The lady that filmed the whole event could be heard crying and praying to God to save the life of the careless man that caused his own demise.