
Nigerian Celebrity Lifestyle Scam


So we are looking at scams, and the different forms they have taken in recent years. Among the different scams that are inherent in Nigeria, we were able to point out the scams that exist among family members, in workplaces, in our polity, etc

There are instances of people who go to their villages to adopt a sibling’s child. They promise the parent of the child that they are going to send the child to school, but they end up not doing so. Instead, they maltreat the child.

Another one sees young people who travel abroad to work and send money home. They send money home so that a relative can help make investments. But that does not happen. The relative at home squanders the money and renders the one abroad bankrupt. There are other instances too, but that’s not our focus.

Well, we spoke to some people and the two broad categories that most Nigerian scammers have been categorized into are: Nigerians scamming other people, and Nigerians who scam fellow Nigerians.

The inside of a private jet

Under Nigerians who scam other people are the yahoo-yahoo guys. These young men (and women), lie about themselves and their social status. They do so to convince foreigners to part with their money or valuables. They ask for huge sums of money in exchange for properties they don’t own.

For the Nigerians-Who-Scam-Fellow-Nigerians, we have our politicians and our celebrities. These ones lie to Nigerians about their plans, who they really are and what they possess. They get into government positions and take up ambassadorial roles that they do not merit. They just feed off Nigerians who are constantly in need of entertainment and things to talk about.

Just 2 weeks ago, a list of fraudsters was released by the FBI, and Nigerians were in the majority. Next came the list from the United Arab Emirates. The FBI in America will try the criminals and send them to jail. Hopefully, after serving jail time, they will be released. But the law of the United Arab Emirates will sentence the ones they caught to death.

From here, all we can do is look on. People say the criminals have made it difficult for anyone to intervene. And that even if we did try, there’s only so much we can do. Others are quick to blame and curse. But the truth remains that they were influenced.

It is no longer news that the life Nigerian celebrities is a lie. They tour countries in private jets, sleep in exotic hotels, eat the best meals and hang out with world figures. Our singers boast of crazy account balances, expensive diamond crusted jewelries, and of course, display wads of thousands of dollar bills on the bed/bag to complement their story of success.

Read also: Who are More Scammers, Nigerian Politicians or Internet Fraudsters?

One half of Psquare posing for the gram

With the constant show off on the gram, Nigerian celebrities now fall into the category of scammers. They show off things they don’t own and make people believe it is theirs. Most times, it is when they have health challenges that the truth about their financial status comes up.

Right now, the fake lifestyle wave is strong and the influence is toxic. These same persons whose source of wealth is not known are the ones influencing things in the country. With their lies, they bag huge endorsements and represent Nigeria as ambassadors. This, they do, and rule out the need for actual skill and integrity. Truth is, it is difficult not to want the life they have.

The irony is that Nigerian celebrities are called influencers and are ambassadors for big brands. Ideally, they should never be on the screens or in any position to call shots. But we find them at the helm of affairs. We call 419ers scammers because they get paid even when they do not offer any value. It is the same thing for our celebrities. Imagine having to sit in a house for three months, eat and grow fat, only to come out to become a force to be reckoned with.

In the bid to be like the celebs, a lot of young persons have had to try their hands at different things. Where some are legitimate, others are not. People get involved in fraudulent activities just so they can meet up.

We are no longer concerned with earning our living. All young people want to do now is live a luxurious life. And this, in so many ways, is due to the pressure from and influences of ‘celebrities’ on social media. The earlier we realize that they are scammers and treat them as such, the better for everyone.

Davido posing with his many cars

Our celebrities should be made to give account of the source of their wealth, and their increase should be monitored. Then, people who have truly (verified) hard at their skill and craft, should be the ones in the limelight

The truth is, no one should ever be intimidated by any one’s success. For all you know, you could be worth more than the life you envy or wish!

I do not subscribe to living a fake life under any circumstance, but you cannot stop people from doing what they like. Maybe because it is called show business that some of the celebrities decided to outdo themselves by displaying things on social media.

There should be some level of discipline as to what and how much they let the public know about their private lives. I have seen situations where people get into huge debts because of the craze and desire to live flashy lifestyle.