Categories: Mali Drive

Mali Drive (Episode 10): Ben Will Not Give Up


It was a beautiful night, the stars were the most beautiful jewels of the night and the moon glowed to the point that no street lights were needed. Ben was impeccably dressed; he wore a beautiful navy blue suit and a bow tie that looked like it was tied by God himself. He stood in the middle of a small but beautiful garden with the most colourful flowers in the world.

There was a table with two chairs; beautifully decorated for two, there was wine and two glasses. Ben waited, his face relaxed but his heart racing; he held a rose and just as he was about to look at his wrist watch she showed up. The most beautiful woman in the world. Rebecca Amodu.

She wore a green dress that shimmered under the moonlight; for the first time he noticed a hint of light brown in the colour of her eyes as she walked towards him. He wanted that night to be special and watching her walk towards him was one of the most special moments of his life

“You are very beautiful” he said as he gave her the rose and kissed her

“Thank you” she replied with a soft smile

Ben had never planned anything as romantic for them before and the fact that he was trying made her feel guilty because she believed he was doing it because of her recent behaviour.

She had been so distracted with the investigation that she sometimes forgot that she was in a relationship.

“Tonight we star gaze” he said leading her to a side of the garden where he had set up a telescope and they looked at the stars and other celestial objects with the telescope.

It was a beautiful experience for them, Rebecca saw a strange star that made her very excited and she couldn’t take her eyes off the telescope

“Oh my God, it is so beautiful” she exclaimed but she heard no response from Ben and turned to make sure that he was there; just to find him on his knees with a ring

“Will you marry me?” he asked

She was so surprised that she couldn’t say anything; all she could do was nod in acceptance. He put the ring on her finger and kissed her, they were both very happy as they sat on the table to drink wine and talk.

Rebecca was very happy that the man she loved was ready to spend the rest of his life with her but few minutes into celebration, she couldn’t help but have flash backs. Evil flashbacks.

“Why now?” she asked

“What do you mean ‘why now”? He was confused

Many a time in the course of their relationship Rebecca brought up marriage to Ben and he shut her down “so why now?” she asked again

“Because I am ready and it is the right time” his answer didn’t go down well with her because she suddenly felt worthless and insignificant

“So nothing happens in this relationship except you are ready?” she asked with calm fury and his confusion increased

“Wait… that is not what I meant” he tried to explain and eventually managed to calm her down by telling her that he was being immature for not listening to her in the past when she wanted to talk about marriage

“I’m sorry I shut you down… I should have never done that” he apologized but the apology did nothing for Rebecca.

For a time, All she ever wanted was to marry Ben and have children by him but after everything she had been through especially in the hands of Bishop; the anger she felt towards God was directed toward Ben in that moment

“I don’t think us getting married now is a good idea” she retorted

Ben was silent with shock as he watched her remove the ring he gave her thirty minutes ago. She put the ring “I’m sorry my love” she kissed his head and left.

He sat there wishing he answered her first question perfectly “but what is perfect for Rebecca?” he asked himself. For reasons unknown to him she had become a bitter woman and he had no idea what to do to fix her but he made a decision right there to try.

He was not going to give up because he was now sure that she was the one who he wanted to be with and nothing was ever going to change that.