
Legitimate Ways to Make Money With Your Phone


One of the most significant strongholds of modern invention is the innovations of phones and other mobile devices.

The sudden economic downturn and high rate of unemployment in the country have made people look into other ways values can be created for profit.

It is no longer a hidden fact that one can have an office online or on the go, that is, a mobile office accessible anywhere in the world.

Earning Through Mobile Phones

There has been a significant increase in opportunities and value created with mobile devices throughout the country.

Here we will discuss some legitimate ways to make money with an internet-enabled device and little skills.

  • Virtual Assistant

A virtual assistant is a self-employed worker who specializes in offering administrative services to clients from a remote location, usually a home office. 

Typical tasks a virtual assistant might perform are scheduling appointments, making phone calls, making travel arrangements, and managing calendars and email accounts.

The most important tool for a virtual assistant tool is a mobile phone or computer and a stable network.

  • Freelancing

Freelancing is a contract-based profession where instead of being recruited by an organisation, the person uses his skills and experience to provide services to several clients.

As a freelancer, jobs like writing, copywriting and graphics designing can easily be done on mobile devices.

Freelancing Platforms

Freelancers can also register on popular freelance communities like Upwork and Fiverr, where they can bid for jobs.

  • E-Commerce Business

Ecommerce businesses are businesses that transmit goods, services, and funds over the internet.

E-Commerce Platforms

The scope of the business varies in size and scope, from retail markets like Amazon, Olx, and eBay.

These platforms allow you to take pictures of goods, upload them and wait for interested customers to make bids.

All that is needed to start earning money is your phone and the goods you intend to sell.

  • Paid Surveys

A paid survey is a type of statistical survey where the participants are rewarded through an incentive program or a small cash reward, for completing one or more surveys.

Completing paid surveys online is an easy way to make extra cash on the side since all you need is your phone and an account with a survey platform.

Some of the most popular survey platforms are InboxDollars and Opinion Space.

  • Online Tutor and Youtube

An online tutor is someone who provides tutoring via online platforms. These days, you do not need a professional camera or studio, as you can easily make videos with your phone camera to make good content.

The most common options are videoconferencing, voice calls, or chat support, and most platforms use some combination of all three.

Youtube allows you to earn through channels with videos that attract views.

Comedy skits, how-to-do stuff, tutorials and other educative videos are some of the many contents that give massive views.

In conclusion, your mobile phones should not just be for calls and chats with friends, as there are unlimited opportunities to make a living through our mobile devices.