
Laughter Keeps You Healthy – Here Are 3 Main Reasons


Everyone’s familiar with the saying “laughter is the best medicine”. But what you might not realize is that laughter is quite literally good medicine. You must listen to anything that makes you laugh because the health benefits of laughter are joke! if you know what I mean. Whether your funny bone is tickled by dumb dad jokes or you’re more of a sarcastic humor kind of person, chuckling is one sure way to boost your health — both physically and mentally.

Unlike actual medicine, though, there’s no designated amount of laughter to lead to health benefits. While you should try to laugh a little bit each day, “the duration of the laugh is not as important as the reason behind it,” says Lee Berk, DrPH, a humor and laughter researcher at Loma Linda University.

“Mirthful laughter, as opposed to nervous or embarrassed laughter, promotes the good HDL cholesterol”. And has a cascade of beneficial physiological changes conducive for happiness,” he tells Elite Daily in an email. “Laugh as often and as much as you need until you feel ‘good.'” 

Here are a few of the ways that a deep belly laugh can do wonders for your entire body.

Laughter Creates Better Relationships

Whenever you and a group of your friends get together, you probably spend some of your time laughing. According to Tami Sasson, a mental health therapist, this kind of connection can really help forge your emotional bond with each other. “Laughter can connect us with others, which also leads to better mental health,” she tells Elite Daily. “When we share joy and connection with others we feel better.”

Laughter Promotes A Healthy Heart

According to Jessica Sherman,a licensed clinical mental health therapist, “Laughter lowers blood pressure and improves cardiovascular health in the body”. During one study conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland Medical Center, for example, participants were split into two groups — one who watched clips from Saving Private Ryan, while the others watched parts of There’s Something About Mary. Those who watched the funny movie showed decreases in blood vessel restriction and increases in circulation, while the opposite was true for the other group.

Laughter Helps You Appreciate Life

Everyone has days when it just seems like nothing’s going your way, but reading a couple of good jokes might be a way to refocus on the positive aspects of your life, suggests Tina Tessina, PhD, psychotherapist and author of the book  Dr. Romance’s Guide to Finding Love Today.

“Laughter reminds you about how good life can be,” she tells Elite Daily in an email. “Shared laughter also syncs up your emotional rhythms, which makes it easier for you and others to feel connected and intimate with each other,” she says. “It provides balance to the seriousness of life and work.”