
Knowing Your Life’s Purpose


What’s your life’s purpose? What were you born to do? To gain? To achieve?

These questions are frequently asked by oneself. Understanding what you are meant to be or achieve is a key fundamental in knowing ones destiny.

Purpose defined as the reason for which something is done or created or for which something exists.

So i ask you; What is the reason you were created? Is it simply to be born at die at a certain point?

Well, we will eventually give up the ghost; that’s inevitable no matter the advancements of evolution in science. However, the period between our birth and death has to be filled with something. It has to be full or used to achieve a certain goal.

That is your life purpose. Many don’t know their life purpose and its okay. Some might have known right from that moment they could read and write.

If you are unaware of what your life purpose might be, here are a few tips to guide you;

  • Explore What You Love & What Comes Easy To You

Many may be doing what they don’t like. They maybe studying a course in university they never wanted. Maybe going to a job they are applaud by. Might be going through certain difficulties that make their life feel stagnant.

In order to find your purpose you need to ask yourself; What do i love? Can i do this? Is it easy to achieve?

Once you are able to answer these questions you are a step closer to finding your life purpose.

  • Follow you heart/instinct

What does your heart say when making a decision?

Most people don’t listen to their instinct which makes them follow the wrong path. Your gut feeling is one key to knowing what is the right path to take. It may be telling you to follow a certain path, that could be wrong but then a few moments down the line you are where you want to be.

Your instinct is what you really want deep down. You’re only denying yourself the pleasures of what you truly want or need.

  • Decide On Where You Want To Be?

Some paths may not be the straight road of where we want to be or who we want to be with but these paths lead us to the end goal.

Studying a particular course or working in a particular organization may not be the ideal place we want to be, but nevertheless, there’s always a way to get to the finish line.

There is always a side hustle. Many in Nigeria are not where they want to be, but that still doesn’t mean they cant get to where they want to be.

Some life purpose are still attainable no matter the place you find yourself.

Think to yourself, are you where you want to be. How can you get to that finish line. How can you be the version of yourself you desperately want to look in the mirror.

  • Be clear about your purpose and follow it to the T

Take a pen and paper; Write what your purpose is, make a list of how to achieve it, start ticking off all the boxes and when you are done close our eyes and exhale.

Believe me this isn’t an easy process to follow. Its one of the most difficult but with passion and dedication out can get there.

Remember to take a moment to analysis who you are, who you want to be and who you can be. Are these three people in sync? how can you get them in line?

Your purpose in life is something within you that you already know. Just keep an open mind to try to find it, no matter now silly or how people try to discourage you.