
Jaykech Joins League Of Evicted Couples On Ultimate Love


Jaykech has joined the league of couples checked of the Love Pad and the Ultimate Love Reality TV show. Jay and Nkechi one of the eight couples left on the show after the exit of Louis and Jenny Koko last week had to leave the show in an electrifying show and turn of event.

Jaykech Checks Out of Ultimate Love

Sunday is not really a day the Love Guests on the Ultimate Love show would pray to come, but they do not have a choice but to welcome the day and the intrigues it brings.

Jaykech were part of the four couples who were up for possible check out after last week’s live nominations.

After the tension and The adrenaline rush Doublechris, Obiebi, and Iykeresa were able to survive the onslaught.


Jay has been one strong personality on the Ultimate Love Show and was well known for his secret meetings and permutations on how to work out how other couples would be shown the door, but he and his partner now happens to the fourth to check out.

His nomination meetings with Arnold, David and some other guys in the love pad are evidences to this.

You will remember the ” na dem go go, na we go remain ” statement from him. Unfortunately ” na him go now and na dem remain “.

Jaykech’s check out from the show was not a shock to many who think it might be a fall out of the rough time he had with Arnold, however the producers of the show have made it clear that the voters call the shot.


When you are in search of a calm and gentle lady in the Love Pad, many of the viewers of the show might point at Nkechi.

Though some may think this opinion is wrong, still you will not argue that she is charming. No matter how good she might be, her time on the show ended few hours ago.

Though she said she feels she would have liked more time on Ultimate Love, she is happy she found love in Jay’s arms rapped around her.

According to her she had a lot to chew in the Love Pad considering the scheming, politics and gang up, it was all a splendid time for her.

Portmanteau Jeopardy Game

Jay and Nkechi just like their predecessors in the checking out world played the portmanteau jeopardy game.

They won the sum of #500,000 for refusing to exchange their original portmanteau for the one Jay would have chosen containing #650,000.

Jaykech Wins Big

What do you say about gambling, and going with your mind. Sometimes you might locked down in your own conviction, and would have thrived if you dared to gamble.

Whichever ever you go with, Jaykech did not go home empty. They might have gone home with love, #500,000, some clothing materials and accessories.


Jaykech obviously will not be the last couple to check out of the show, because the process of getting another couple out of the show as already began.

  1. Iykeresa – Roskie and Doublechris
  2. Roskie – Preshdavid and Iykeresa
  3. Chivia – Bolar and Doublechris
  4. Obiebi – Iykeresa and Doublechris
  5. Preshdavid – Obiebi and Roskie
  6. Doublechris – Chivia and Obiebi
  7. Bolar – Preshdavid and Doublechris

The Love Guests as usual nominated the couples try want out of the Love Pad next Sunday. In doing this, a lot of ingredients are involved.

However, no matter whose names appear on this list, the viewer they say have the final say.

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