
Infertility Is Not A Curse



In Nigeria, and in some parts of Africa, to have a child to call one’s own is a thing of great joy. Any wonder why the birth of a child is followed by rejoicing and flamboyant celebrations?

When couples marry in these parts, it is with the intention of reproducing as soon as possible. Talk about bringing forth heirs and successors. If for some reasons they decide to stall the arrival of their children, pressure begins to mount. Their family, friends and the society at large begin to question their reproductive health status. The emotional and physical strain that ensues can be incredibly daunting.

Thankfully, advances in reproductive health has led to the rise of assisted reproductive technology (ART), and with this development, couples having fertility challenges still have a chance to carry that bundle of joy, and put back happiness into their marriage and lives.


Infertility has been a concern through ages and is also a significant clinical problem today, which affects 8–12% of couples worldwide. It usually happens when a couple cannot conceive after having regular unprotected sex. It may be that one partner cannot contribute to conception, or that a woman is unable to carry a pregnancy. Generally, if after 12 months of regular sexual intercourse without the use of birth control a woman does not conceive, then the couple have infertility issue on their table.

Around the world, there are no reliable figures for global prevalence of infertility, but estimates suggest that nearly 72.4 million couples globally experience fertility problems. So if you were thinking it was only you who had the problem, think again.

Most women in marriages, especially in Africa, always bear the brunt of angry parents-in-law when a couple has to deal with infertility. But studies have shown that the bulk of problem come from men and it has been termed the ‘male factor”. Between 45 and 50 percent of cases are thought to stem from factors that affect the man.

In men, infertility may be caused by one or a combination of low sperm concentration, poor sperm motility, or abnormal morphology. The rates of infertility in less industrialized nations are markedly higher and infectious diseases are responsible for a greater proportion of infertility.

In women, aging, smoking, alcohol, being obese or overweight, eating disorders, diet, too much exercise, STIs, exposure to some chemicals and mental stress. If you are currently having infertility problems, it would do you some good to check yourself for some of the causes listed above.

Fertility Clinics in Nigeria

There are a number of fertility clinics in Nigeria, and determining which of them to choose can itself be very tasking. The pressure mounted on couples often make it difficult to decide soon enough which one is best for them.

On the part of the couple, the very process of using assisted reproductive technology comes with its challenges including steep emotional, financial and physical investments. There are usually lots of probing, prodding and anxious monitoring of cycles.

There are also lots of uncomfortable hormone injections. The patient (the woman) will have to expose her physical and emotional vulnerabilities to the trust of strangers in white coat. In the end, the patient will have to come to terms with the possibility of painful setbacks in the course of the journey. It may work and it may not work. Where it doesn’t, couples are advised not to give up. If they can afford it, they should try again.


Infertility is not a curse

Infertility is not a curse. It is a medical condition that can be treated or remedied through a number of verified methods. A visit or a couple of visits to fertility clinics often provide couples with the options available. No one should live and die without experiencing the ‘joys’ of parenthood in these parts, considering the level of importance we accord child-bearing.

So bearing all of the above in mind, it is very important to ensure that the provider to whom one has entrusted this great responsibility possesses the full gamut of skills and competencies needed to manage the patient in all ramifications of needs pertaining to assisted reproduction.

Using a series of relevant variables, Fertility Hub Nigeria has compiled a ranking of fertility clinics in Nigeria, with a view to assisting prospective parents make informed decision on their choice of fertility service provider. See the list here.

If you find the list provided incomplete, please leave your suggestions in the comments section below.