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If this Happens , it will be the end of the World, Peter Obi to Press


The 25th day of February2023 is one day Nigerians will not forget soon as it the 2023 presidential election. Peter Obi who is the presidential candidate for Labour Party was seen in his hometown where he will cast his vote. He was interviewed earlier today at his polling unite stand and he was asked about the outcome of the election and what he thinks, he said he trust the abilities of the INEC officials and also the security personals.

Peter Obi Response to Question of if he Loses the Election

He was further asked if the election dose not go his way will he be willing to work the person who emerged as the winner or what will be his reaction, Peter Obi clearly stated that he is not looking at.

If this Happens , it will be the end of the World, Peter Obi to Press

He also said he hopes it goes his way. He was then asked if he will allow pictures to be taken with him when he wins the election. The Labour Party presidential candidate laughed and said all he wants is to elevate people from the poverty and live with people so snapping with him can not be a problem.

In his word he said, if you cannot snap with him that means the world has come to an end. The Labour Party presidential candidate Mr Peter Obi is one man who can be called the man of the people as he is one of the four major contestants that have mingled with the whole classes in the society. He has mingled with the young, old and even the ordinary man in the street.