
How To Make The Rest Of The Year The Best Of The Year


July kicks off tomorrow and that  means 2019 is halfway over. What now? In less than 3 months the “mber” months will begin and before we know it, it’ll be Christmas and we’ll be scrambling to do everything we hoped to do this year. So why not start early?

Let’s do it:

1. Find your list of New Year’s resolutions.
 Find the list of all the things you said you will achieve in 2019, check some things off, and then make a new one. Maybe some things aren’t as important to you as they were when you wrote that list and maybe there are new things that have taken priority.

2. Start a blog, vlog or podcast.
 Many of us are looking for ways to express ourselves, showcase our work or give a voice to the causes we love. Why not start now?

3. Keep working on your summer bod all year round.
 Sure, we usually hit the gym right in the beginning of the year, take a few pics from the gram, and then get inconsistent. The key is to stay consistent (it takes 21 days to form a habit). Keep up those squats and those jeans would be grateful.

4. Reflect on the first half of the year. Take a step back and see how far you’ve come. Give yourself credit for your accomplishments and think on the next obstacle, challenge, or goal. You’ve had six months to kick ass, so what’s next?

5. Ask for feedback from your peers.
 It helps to reach out to your boss or to your peers and ask for some genuine feedback. What could you be doing better for the rest of the year? And what have you been doing well? Getting this other perspective will open your eyes up to new opportunities.

6. Get Clarity on your finances.
  Find unique ways to save money. Take a look at where you’re spending and where you can save. Are there subscriptions you don’t need that you are currently using?

7. Learn Something New.
 One of the best things you can do for yourself each year is learn more. Open your mind, take in new vocabulary, learn about new trends, and give into your imagination. Not a reader? Opt for audiobooks instead or Ted talks on YouTube.