
How To Find Job Offers On TikTok Resumes


TikTok has launched a new feature known as TikTok Resumes to enable users to discover and apply for jobs with ease. According to the Video-sharing platform, the new feature is a pilot program that will enhance TikTok as a recruitment and job application channel.

Meanwhile, the platform advised users to apply for entry-level to experienced positions in companies. It announced a partnership deal with some companies, including Target, Chipotle, Alo Yoga, WWE, Shopify, Contra, Movers+Shakers, among other top employers.

The video-sharing platform noted that the partnership deal aims to improve recruitment via a TikTok video resume known as TikTok Resumes.

The Global Head of Marketing at TikTok, Nick Tran, said the company is delighted to partner with emerging brands to pilot a new way for job seekers to showcase their experiences and skillsets in creative and authentic ways.

TikTok Resumes

According to Tran, TikTok Resumes would help jobseekers reimagine recruiting and job discovery by creatively showcasing their skills and experiences.

Also, the Marketing Manager at TikTok, Kayla Dixon, said the new feature on the platform is an extension of the TokTok College Ambassadors program. The company had previously employed hundreds of college students as on-campus brand representatives. 

Jobseeker on TikTok.

How To Use TikTok Resumes

1.Users on the Video-sharing App could find TikTok Resumes via 

2.They could peruse job listings, profiles of content creators who create career and job-related content and submit videos for posted jobs.

3. The web page is accessible through some entry points, including the TikTok Discover page. gathered that the program accepts video resumes for U.S. job openings from July 7 till July 31.