An introvert is someone who enjoys the comfort of staying indoors. Introverts are considered to be dull, boring or even unexciting.
Most people think that introverts are all that, and more that are synonymous. As much as the outside world think that about introverts, they are honestly so comfortable they don’t care. Let’s be serious, extroverts are loud and noisy. They love all this and it’s hard for the majority of them to accept the fact that introverts are their complete opposite.
I love the comfort of my home, my bed, the comfort of the indoors. And the irony of it is how I am surrounded by extroverts as family and friends. So how do I enjoy being me, surrounded by people that are my opposite.
If you must leave your comfort zone to attend an event or a function. The least you can do for yourself is to be comfortable with the people that surround you.
Even though you can’t be comfortable with all, at least have that one person who understands you. Case in point, I’ve been at an event which I was literally dragged to. Thirty minutes into it and I was going crazy. I look back and my cousin walks in, the only person who understands my hatred for crowded places. Long story short, we stuck together and it was that bad.
Having someone who understands you is a good thing for emotional and mental support.
Having a party doesn’t have to be in a club, a pool or at a lounge. For me, all the best parties I’ve had were together with close friends in my apartment or their apartment.
Organizing small indoor things isn’t much work. A little finger food, enough liquid, the right amount of people, and the most important aspect, the best playlist available.
There you have it, a party, and you are still within your comfort zone.
Our friends love us. No doubt about that. They want us to be where they are having ‘fun’. But your type of ‘fun’ isn’t their type. Everyone has their own thing. So they often try to coax you into things.
Pressure gets us to places we wake up wondering how we got there. So when being invited to places, decline as best as you can.
Introverts are not to be judged for liking and enjoying what they enjoy. Staying at home or in a quiet café is also a good thing.