Hollywood gives mind blowing movies and scenes. Do you remember the first time you saw the first matrix movie? How young were you? And how successful was the film in making you think you could dodge bullets? Each new release of a movie comes with a fresh line of unbelievable stunts, some of them are obvious like driving a car from sky scrapper to sky scrapper. However, there are many other elements in movies that have recurring for a long time which would convince the average film watcher that they’re facts.
Landmines are explosive devices that are designed to blow when contact is made. These devices are typically found on or just below the surface of the ground.
A person that steps on a landmine is safe as long as his/her foot remains on the landmine as seen in the 2015 movie “Landmine goes click”. In this film, a heartbroken boyfriend sets up both his girlfriend and best friend by planting a landmine. The best friend has to keep his leg on it or risk getting blown to oblivion while watching the girl go through unspeakable horrors trying to get him free.
In reality, this is not the case, the landmine explodes almost imeediately contact is made i.e when it is triggered by pressure or a tripwire.
A silencer is device used in suppressing or moderating the sound intensity and the flash that is produced from firing a firearm.
You can take out your enemy with a firearm in a room full of law enforcement agents without drawing anybody’s attention as long as you have your silencer on the barrel of the gun. As seen in ” Every Hollywood movie with an assassin or secret agent”.
The coolest thing about watching those spy movies when I was young, was seeing the protagonist screw a “silencer” to the mouth of a pistol, creeping up to thr unsuspecting disposable hench man, and then “Pew” “Pew”. He drops dead, just like that, without attracting any form of unwanted attention.
However, the truth is that silencers don’t ‘silence’ guns. In fact, the sound that comes out from the gun is still equivalent to that of a jack hammer being used to break concrete. These so called silencers are actually called “suppressors” in the real world because they reduce the sound rather than eliminate it completely.
In the United States, the Miranda warning is a type of notification that is usually given by police to criminal suspects in custody.
I’m 90% sure most of you have heard this in one film or the other , “You have the right to remain silent, anything you do or say can and will be used against you in the court of law, bla….bla…bla….”. NCIS, Brooklyn 99, 21 Jump street are just a few out of the hundreds of cop shows who always show arresting officers reading out these rights to criminal suspects while making an arrest. If he fails to do that the criminal often gets off on a technicality.
The Miranda rights is only supposed to be said to the suspect while they are in custody of the police in the interrogation room. Plus, this is customarily done with a vide recorder present. Otherwise, the criminal may lie that his rights were violated and may eventually have to be let do.