


Fatigue is associated with many health issues such as sleep apnea, hypertension, arthritis, diabetes and many more. If an individual experiences any form of prolonged fatigue, the first step to take would be to consult a doctor for a physical evaluation. These are some common known causes amongst many others.

Sleep deprivation

You can never get enough sleep.  Most times, your lifestyle is a determining factor. Whether you are a type of person who loves staying up late to surf the internet or to catch up on your favorite TV show. Many individuals experience lack of sleep. It occurs when a person doesn’t get the maximum amount of sleep required them to be fully awake and functional.

This causes the individual to be tired and worn out. They usually tend to sleepily carry out their daily activities due to fatigue. You might find a sleep deprived individual is moody, cranky, easily irritated and reduced sex drive. It is advised to adjust your sleeping pattern by switching off your electronic devices and retiring early to bed.

It is also important to note that too much sleep can also be as mad as too little sleep that is why whether you find yourself waking up tired regardless of how many hours of sleep you got. 8 hours and 15 hours of sleep often breeds the same results.:

Poor Dietary choices

Eating of refined or processed carbohydrates/ Junk food  can cause major rise in the sugar levels, which can make you feel tired. Eat more natural foods which are rich in antioxidants rather than packaged foods. Few Foods you can eat to boost your energy level include eggs, fruits & wheat. Napping is a catalyst which restores energy levels. Drivers who are worn out due to long hours of being on the road always wake up refreshed and energized 


Have you ever heard the popular phrase “Drink more water”? I bet you always took it for granted. Dehydration is responsible for depleted energy levels of a human being. Studies showed that athletes such as wrestlers performed two(2) times better when properly hydrated. You can tell from the color of your urine if you’re properly hydrated or not.

A Pale yellow to clear is normal and shows that an individual is properly hydrated while an orange yellow and anything darker than that states severe dehydration and a doctor needs to be contacted as soon as possible. Although, the amount of amount needed for individuals to remain properly hydrated varies between sexes and ages but the most agreed upon average is Eight(8) glasses per day.

Sedentary lifestyle

Sedentary lifestyle:  An individual is said to live a sedentary life style when such person does little to zero activity daily. The aforementioned person spends most of the day in the same position, lying or sitting on the couch watching television, playing video games or reading a book. All these activities need little to zero body movements. This in turn could cause fatigue especially when large amounts of time are devoted to these activities. i.e. 4-5 hours/daily. Exercising is a sure way to curb this body pain because exercising yields more energy. 40 minutes of exercise is recommended daily.