Community News

Eyewitness Says Hoodlums Attack Commuters Along Pape, Area 1 Axis


Today, an eyewitness, Mr Samuel, on a live phone-in radio programme, reported his observation along Pape road of the Federal Capital Territory, FCT, Abuja.

He stated that hoodlums attacked commuters, workers returning from their daily hustles, and shoppers merely patronising marketers within the area.

Samuel said the same thing about the popular area 1 axis, including the Mashafa route. He reported that cultists would attack without any provocation and even injure people in the process.

Touts Rob Workers Returning From Work- Eyewitness

He revealed that in the process of harassing and scaring commuters from their bus stops, they also rob people while brutally maltreating those that put up any rebellion.

Samuel urged the radio station in Abuja to endeavour to inform the FCT Police Command to take note of these touts’ unruly activities and behaviours.

He further requested that the authorities shouldn’t arrest and release them without some form of punishment that would discourage them from ever partaking in such a criminal act.