
Eli Waduba’s Portrait On Steve Harvey Show.


“My name is Eli Waduba Yusuf Am a Nigerian, based in Kaduna. Am a hyperrealism PENCIL Artist. I hope to become like @Harizeyart. Please retweet, let @KevinHart4real see it, thank you.

This is the 31 word tweet that would forever change this Eli Waduba’s life.

Nigerian Artist Portrait

Eli Waduba is a young artist who stays in Kaduna, Nigeria. He has been drawing since the age of 9. In 25th February 2019, his luck changed when he tweeted a photo of his drawing of America comedian Kevin Hart. He asked the twitter community to help him retweet so the comedian may see it.

Miraculously, just two days later, the young artist got a reply from Kevin Hart telling him on his interest to purchase the drawing while also commissioning three other drawings for his ” celebrity friends”.

The recognition didn’t stop here, on March 19th, drawing made its way to an episode of The Steve Harvey show.

During the show Steve Harvey said: “It looks like a photograph, this dude did it with a pencil”.

The young artiste thank Steve Harvey for the commendations and recognition via a tweet. He said : ” And my portrait of my favorite comedian @KevinHart4real made it to @SteveTvshow, Thank you so much Mr. Steve. I feel so honored”.

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