
Do You Think Every Woman Needs A Man?


Do you think every woman needs a man in her life? Well, you can let us know what you think in the comment section. For now, Miss Grace on twitter believes that every woman needs a man and every man needs a woman too.

According to Ife_femi on twitter, women who do not have men in their lives should quit selling the “I do not need a man to be happy” narrative to young girls. According to her, she is sure that at some point in their lives, they (independent women) have wished they had someone of the opposite sex to love them and care for them.

Moving on to the men, Ife explained that they should stop hiding their weak nature as a woman breeds comfort to her man if they have one in their lives. She said that it is necessary to have someone to share your experience, joys and troubles with which could be a woman.

Find the complete thread here.

Do You Think Every Woman Needs A Man: What I think!

Well, many people have been unfortunate in this game of love, and as a result, it is not uncommon to find people who do not want to be vulnerable and share their lives again for fear of being disappointed. It is also possible that at certain times, they wished they felt differently. However, that lonely feeling is not enough to conquer the fear of disappointment they might have. So yes, It is okay to want to have some love and affection in your life from someone who cares. That do not mean you need it. The basic needs of life still are food, clothing and shelter. What do you think?

Do You Think Every Woman Needs A Man?