
Dealing With Loss And Grief


Grief usually happens when someone has lost a person close to them. The way a person handles grief often depends on the type of loss they have previously experienced in life.

People react to loss differently. Anxiety and helplessness often appear first. Anger usually follows, then sadness.

This is a natural process when grieving. It is also important to note that the process of grieving will pass. Some take longer time than others but in the end, it will be okay.

How to cope with grief and loss

There can never be an instant fix to grieving. A person can feel affected for over months or years. However, there are a number of things you can do to help you in this time of bereavement.

Express Yourself

Usually, emotions are hard to talk about. Talking to a friend, family member or a professional is a way to begin the healing process.

Carry On With Your Day

Keeping up with work, house chores and simple activities can help get your mind away from things. It also helps you to sleep and relax. Everyone feels emotional strain at different times. A quiet nap often helps.

Avoid Trying To Avoid The Pain

Pain is a constant in life. Many try to dull out pain by using alcohol or drugs which never works. Alcohol wears off, and drugs, same. There is certainly no point damaging your system for a brief period of time.