Ultimate Gist

Daddy Freeze Calls For Prayer To Make 2020 Less Rugged


Controversial on-air personality, Ifedayo Olarinde, popularly known as Daddy Freeze has advised his followers to take precautionary measures and pray.

He gave the advice as people around the world get worried over the Coronavirus outbreak, which is ravaging so many countries globally.

Daddy Freeze made his stand known when one of his followers made reference to his prediction about the year 2020 and how he tagged it as such that will be rugged.

According to the broadcaster, there is the need to seek mercy from Yahushua.

Daddy Freeze

Daddy Freeze

Let’s take the necessary precautionary measures and pray for the ‘ruggedity’ to end in Yahushua’s name. Let’s admit that we screwed up and ask YHWH for mercy“.

In the meantime, The Federal government of Nigeria has announced restriction of entry into the country for travelers from some countries with high cases of Coronavirus.

The countries are China, Italy, Iran, South Korea, Spain, Japan, France, and Germany.

Others are the United States of America, Norway, the United Kingdom , Netherlands, and Switzerland.

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