


So far, only four episodes are available for viewing,

They include; “The Comedian”, “Nightmare at 30,000 Feet”, “Replay,” and “The Traveler.” The reviews and critical response have been impressive. Twilight zone currently holds a 77% rating on rotten tomatoes. It is particularly impressive because you would think that a revival of the show wouldn’t live up to the awesomeness of the original show. However, considering what Jordan Peele did with Get out and Us, it is safe to say that he was the beat person to revive this show.  As you may expect, many critics have aired out their various opinions about the show.

According to Pajiba’s Joelle Monique,

Peele may have been a little skittish about stepping into Rod Serling’s role as onscreen narrator, but he acquits himself very nicely.  “There’s something magical about Peele’s performance. There’s a twinkle in his eye, a gentleness to his telling of these warning stories, and an otherworldly knowledge perfect for the series. Peele never tries to duplicate what Serling perfected years ago. Inspired by the originator, but doing his own thing, Peele is a perfect guide through the terrifying wormholes of Twilight Zone.”

Ben Travers from Indie wire added that “The Twilight Zone isn’t a filtered down version of the original, nor of its narrator’s own work. Peele’s stamp is all over it, but so are the many welcome imprints of various writers, directors, and stars. It’s an inclusive space as much as a creative one, making the 2019 Twilight Zone a new machine built to last”.

Robert Lloyd from the Los Angeles Times thinks the casting choice was good. He said in a review that “

The episodes are well-cast; the performances are good. Every episode looks great, each with its own palette and atmosphere; the fact that they’re in color rather than the noir-expressionist black and white of the original does not make them any less creepy”.

The bottom line is that, people are loving Twilights zone’s come back to TV. I personally picked interest in the show because Jordan Peele is my favorite personality in the world. However, I’ve grown to love the show just after two episodes. It has some elements that leaves you with a certain tingling sensation of suspense and anxiousness. I was sad when I watched the final episode of black mirror, but my sadness has been wiped away by Twilight zone. Thank you, Mr. Peele.