
Countless Stars In My Timeless Sky

my life is a memory 
filled with thousands of memories.
sparkling above the rest
are the memories i share with you;
they are the sunshine of my days,
the days of my sunshine
the memories that make me who i am
- a part of you.

for we are Siamese soul twins
born by different mothers.
separate bodies bonded by one heart;
your heart within my soul,
my soul within your heart.

come away, dearest friend.
let’s go to the riverside,
to where the sunset serenades the waters.
let’s talk about everything
and laugh about the little things.
reveal all that gladdens
and troubles your spirit
so i could see the world
through your eyes.
for if the sun shines on you,
it shines on me too.
and if the arrow goes through you,
it goes through me too.

let’s make this moment count,
let’s make it last.
this life is a mysterious journey
we row the boat but God controls the ocean
and if he takes me away from this earth today
or you are gone tomorrow
one thing remains certain;
the moments we create,
these memories we share,
will always be with me
throughout the days of forever.
they are the countless stars in my timeless sky.