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Coronavirus Wanted Dead or Alive


Coronavirus is the singular enemy of the world, and the question of how dedicated the world is to combat and conquer this enemy is a question that might not have a ready answer.

This virus cannot be seen with the eyes, except with the use of laboratory instruments like a telescope. We cannot see it, but we are fighting it, it is winning in some areas and failing in some area.


Over 2.5 million people across the world have tested positive for Coronavirus getting a cure seems to be harder than what we expected.

As we were concentrating on getting a cure for the active victims of this merciless virus, we are also rigorously searching for possible ways to immunise those who have not met with it yet.

That also has been struggling to see the light of the day. As we run fast to approach a saviour in the form of a cure or a protector as in vaccine, the virus jumps in a jet and speeds away.

The search is on to get Coronavirus either dead or alive. It has been the first to reach us, and when it does, we get infected. Some people have fallen while trying to get off its hook, but we can’t just wait and watch to our failure.

Covid-19 Wolrd Most Wanted

Coronavirus is on the run, branching the homes of our loved ones, the aged, newborns, our mothers, leaders and front-line health workers. It is infecting and killing them, but we are coming just behind it, running as fast as we can.

We either kill or capture it; we will stop it from locking us down and turning our homes to prison cells. We can capture Coronavirus and render it useless by getting a reliable vaccine against its attacks.

With the vaccine, we would have prepared our body system to give a killing blow to the monster when, and it invades our privacy. It would be a massive defeat to the already recorded victories of the Coronavirus.

Arresting Coronavirus alive can be achieved by getting a cure and snatching its victims from its hands, saying as loud as we can to its face that we are no small fries.

We must continue this chase; we must officially declare it wants either dead or alive. Whichever way, this unseen enemy must be caught.

The first human trial of the Coronavirus vaccine has been carried out in Oxford. Only two volunteers have been injected, and about 798 more volunteers are still needed to get full assurance that the vaccine can be reliable.

The success or otherwise of this will go a long way to know how soon this monster would be caught. Our advice to the virus is that whatever comes out of these trials, we are going to get it either dead or alive.