Coronavirus and corruption have been fighting for global recognition since December 31, 2019, when the first case of pneumonia of unknown cause was detected in Wuhan, China, and the whole world has not remained the same.
Thought the first case of human Coronavirus surfaced in the mid-1960s, but the recent events have taken the world jittery.Before this new turn of event, corruption has been one of the topics that have occupied the center stage for discussions across the world.
If there is any common enemy that has ravaged almost every corner of human existence, it is corruption. From the developed nations to the underdeveloped and spanning through the third world nations, corruption has a signature.
Corruption is a famous mantra on the lips of nationals while calling their leaders out for accountability. No nation has been able to come up with a clean slate when corruption in the topic in focus.
That was the way things were before Coronavirus came up and had been dragging the center stage with corruption.
Corruption’s link has been traced to different world leaders who later had their beds laid in prisons. Countries like Libya, Zimbabwe, Hungary, South Africa, South Korea, Italy, among many others, have had their Prime Ministers sent to prison for corruption charges.
While these were happening, they were discussions on the global stage. That happened because corruption has been identified as a significant cause of set back for the whole world, causing the death of many, mostly innocent.
Corruption has been a common enemy of the whole world. Though some people say, corruption fights back, but that has not stooped the war waged against it.
For Coronavirus, it has succeeded in diverting the world’s attention to itself, thereby distraction the world from focusing on the fight against corruption. Just between December 2019, till March 2020, it has been able to spread to over 114 countries. The record has also shown that over one hundred and thirty thousand persons have been infected, with over four thousand and seven hundred deaths.
While this is trending, many others are worried about the possibility of it spreading to them. Every country and its people are talking about Coronavirus. Just like most world leaders have been tagged corrupt, Coronavirus has also taken its fight to their circles. Among the over 130,000 victims of the virus, prominent world leaders and famous personalities have been identified.
Dozens of Iranian government officials and cabinet members have tested positive to the virus. UK Health Minister, Nadine Dorries, Spain Member of Parliament and Secretary-General, Javier Ortega Smith are also victims. Footballers like Daniele Rugani, Timo Hubers, Paul Akpan Udoh, even victims of these Coronavirus attacks.
With the intensity of the Coronavirus spread, it seems it will continue to get global recognition for a longer time. As far as this remains, the attention hitherto enjoyed by corruption might continue to diminish.