
Burna Boy Takes Shots at Davido, Calls Him an Offensive Name


The Nigerian music industry has been set ablaze once again as Burna Boy, one of the country’s biggest music stars, took a dig at fellow artist Davido by referring to him as a “dancing doughnut.”

Burna Boy’s remark, made during a recent interview, has ignited a fierce reaction from fans, leading to a frenzy of social media discussions and debates.

During the interview, Burna’s was asked about his thoughts on Davido’s music style and performance abilities.

In a rather bold and audacious move, he quipped that Davido was nothing more than a “dancing doughnut” who relied more on his entertaining stage presence than on his musical prowess.

Within moments of the interview being shared online, fans of both artists quickly took sides and flooded social media platforms with their opinions.

Supporters of Burnaboy defended his comment, commending his frankness and congratulating him for speaking his mind without holding back.

They argued that Burna’s success came from his exceptional musical talent and thought-provoking lyrics, unlike Davido, who they claimed relied on his energetic stage performances.

On the other hand, fans of Davido vehemently defended their idol, highlighting his numerous hits and international collaborations as evidence of his artistry and influence in the music industry.

They criticized his comment as unnecessary and claimed it was a mere attempt to overshadow Davido’s achievements.

The clash between Burnaboy and Davido’s fandoms intensified, with heated discussions and passionate arguments dominating the social media landscape. Memes, GIFs, and hashtags related to the “dancing doughnut” comment trended widely, showcasing the creativity of fans in expressing their support for their favorite artists.

As the controversy continued to unfold, industry insiders and music critics chimed in with their perspectives. Some individuals expressed disappointment in Burnaboy’s choice of words, considering it disrespectful and unnecessary to belittle a fellow artist.

Others, however, saw the comment as a typical case of healthy competition and artist rivalry, often seen in the music industry. With the news spreading like wildfire, fans from both sides poured out their opinions, sharing their love and loyalty for their preferred artist.

While a fraction of fans hoped for a reconciliation and the end of hostilities, others saw this as an opportunity to fuel the rivalry and propel their idols even further.

At this point, it remains to be seen whether Burnaboy’s “dancing doughnut” comment will be resolved or if it will fuel an even deeper divide between his fans and those of Davido.

As fans continue to react, one thing is clear: this controversy has once again sparked a passionate display of loyalty and debate within the Nigerian music scene.