Egbon and Mazi

Pidgin News (183): Boko Haram Leader, Shekau Need Prayer


Boko Haram Leader

Mazi: Egbon Egbon, ba wo ni, shey you feel that my Yoruba?

Egbon: You better pay me make I teach better Yoruba make you no go take another man language call yourself Barawo o

Mazi: Instead make you encourage me say I try, you wan discourage me, me wey I fit greet you Ba wo ni shey I no try?

Egbon: You try, but your try get K-leg, so, try again later

Mazi: You wey dey talk, shey you fit talk that Bawo ni for my dialect

Egbon: No be Otutu Oma be Ba wo ni for your dialect

Mazi: Laugh…..No be only otutu oma, naa Oma tutu you for call am, Otutu Oma naa Good morning

Egbon: At least I try small, at all at all, naa em bad pass

Mazi: The same way wey I try but you no wan talk say I try, so if you self wan understand wettin Awayu mean for my dialect, you go need pay me make I fit teach you

Egbon: Naa Joke I day o, no worry, I go teach you for free

Mazi: No wahala, you don see the latest ontop Omoyele Sowore matter, wey government carry go court?

Egbon: I never see the latest o, abeg gist me, shey government don free am

Mazi: Free Kwa, according to the update wey I see onto the matter o, Court talk say make him pay 20 Million Naira before den go fit free am

Egbon: Ahhhh, 20 million Naira, ontop wetin now, him kill person ni abi kilosele gangan

Mazi: Naso I read am for inside the News o, but wait make I ask you o, Naa wetin this Sowore do Bubu government self

Boko Haram Leader, Abubakar Shekau

Egbon: Naa that one I no understand o, the other time den accuse am say him dey plan Revolution and now demand say him gather people say make demands do we no go free, den con talk say the gathering no follow law

Mazi: But, the man self try o, the thing no day tire am, this wan wey him just dey go prison like say naa market him day go come back, Maka why

Boko Haram Leader

Egbon: Him talk say him dey try make sure say Naija better and I no see anything wey bad inside the thing wey him dey do

Mazi: Me self no talk say him do anything bad, the only thing wey dey give me concern naa how dem dey carry am go prison up and down

Egbon: My brother, naa erious matter, make we just hope say Naija go better las las 

APC Advises Trump

Mazi: Naa make Naija better fit pay all of us o, wetin be the latest ontop Trump matter now

Egbon: Hmmmm, Before before, him talk say him no go follow dem go do inauguration for Joe Biden after him don talk say him accept defeat o, now, I hear say den wan impeach am

Mazi: Me self hear that one, but they e possible make den impeach am sha?

Egbon: Anything dey possible for this life o, another gist why I hear naa say APC dey give am advise (cut in…

Mazi: Advise say wetin ?

Egbon: Den talk say make him do like President Buhari wey gree say him loose election before him con later win

Mazi: For me o, naa Goodluck Jonathan him suppose copy sake of say Jonathan proof say naa gentleman politician him be

Pray For Shekau

Egbon: Tor, America go dey ok las las, shey you hear say one pastor talk say make Naija people dey Pray For Boko Haram leader, Shekau

Mazi: Laugh, I see the News o I con day wonder say naa which kind talk be that, him talk say Shekau wan repent

Egbon: Person wey don do that kind bad bad something, you con dey talk say make Naija people dey pray for am

Mazi: I wonder o, whether naa the prayer go make the people wey Boko Haram don kill come back, abi naa him go make den stop to den Pai innocent people up and down like Chicken

Egbon: Even self God no dey answer that kind prayer

Mazi: Ehn ehn, I no know say naa you be God PA o wey you take know say him no go answer

Egbon: I no be God PA, I just dey talk my mind

Mazi: Ok o, my own be say I no fit waste my prayer ontop Shekau, make I con day go, later now

Egbon: No wahala, we go see later