“No no no… I’m good, if I drink wine now, I won’t sleep till like 3:00 am” “are you here to sleep? Are you not here to talk to me and to do so… don’t you need to be awake?” she replied with a look of seduction, a look he had missed so much.
He smiled at her and she smiled back putting the glass of wine in his hand “I can’t believe that it’s been over a year” she contemplated sipping out of her own glass of wine “I know” “the last time we saw each other, it was…” “I know” he interrupted and their eyes locked for what felt like the year that they had been apart.
“I don’t want you to feel pressured to say yes to what I said earlier, if you don’t feel that way about me anymore…” he started and she chimed in before he could conclude his thoughts “it’s not that” she leaned closer to him “I will always love you Seyi but … but” “but what” his hand couldn’t feel the glass in it.
“But I keep feeling like I am bad for you” “I agree, you are bad for me but I can’t stay away from you and even when I try… I can’t stop thinking about you. This past year without you was hell, big time hell” “so what are we going to do? I don’t want to hurt you again” she replied honestly
Seyi put his glass down, stood up, and pulled her closer to him “you know how you always said that I had no rhythm in my body?” she nodded and he spun her around and drew her close like a salsa dancer would do.
“Where did you learn that from?” Biola asked with a shy smile “Telemundo” he replied as they moved from side to side with his hand on her waist “are you serious?” she asked with surprise and he nodded with mischief in his eyes.
So they danced silently with no music, then they stopped and he kissed her… it was magical; his kiss made her feel like she had never been kissed before. “where are going?” she asked as he backed away from her “Home” he replied with no other explanation and just before Biola could recover from the breathless kiss, he was gone. Her call with President Kenneth was not something she could return to after that.
Two weeks later, Biola got a job with an insurance company and she loved it because it put her behind a desk and she didn’t have to communicate with customers. All she had to do was sit at her computer all day and input data… no muss no fuss.
One morning, when she was getting ready for work, she saw on the morning news that President Kenneth was going to be in Lagos for The National Development Summit. The thought of him coming to her house flashed in her mind but she quickly waived it away “he doesn’t even know where I live” she thought going about her business like every other day.
That night, Seyi invited her over to his house for dinner; he cooked… something that he loved to do when he had the time to. They were trying to take things as slow as possible; for the sake of not hurting each other, they wanted to be sure this time. Rather Biola wanted to be sure this time.
Dinner was nice, Biola told Seyi about the crazy things her new boss was doing in the office to gain her attention and how she felt sorry for him “do you ever get used to all that attention?” he asked with concern “yeah, I have gotten to the point where I don’t even notice it until the person is being shameless about it, like this my boss” she replied with a grim look on her face.
Biola was the kind of girl who was indifferent about all the attention she got from men and it made her even more beautiful in their eyes.
Dinner turned into a long conversation as always, Seyi took her home by 10:00pm “same time tomorrow?” he asked and she nodded kissing his forehead before leaving the car.
“You should get a stronger door” a male voice startled her as she entered her house “my god!!! What the hell are you doing here?! She screamed with enormous shock as she saw the man sitting on her couch. It was President Kenneth.
“What do you think I am doing here? I am here to see you” he walked around like he owned the place “is that your boyfriend?” he popped a piece of gum in his mouth.
“Look President Kenneth…” “Please call me Kenneth” “Kenneth!!!” she yelled then took a moment to calm herself “you need to leave, you need to leave now!” she commanded but he looked at her and answered softly “no”
“Do you know how long I waited for you to answer my call? Or at least swithch on the phone I gave you?” “I don’t care, we had…” “one year, six months, three weeks, four days, ten hours, thirty three minutes and” he looked at his wrist watch “eleven seconds but who’s counting? Well me… I am counting”
Biola attempted to speak but he put a hand up to stop her “I am counting because, I met a nice girl whom I connected with and I think she connected with me too but for some reason; she has decided to treat me like every random guy in her life jumping hoops to get her attention”
“So this is about your pride and ego?” She scoffed “no this is about your own pride and ego” he replied “what the hell do you want from me Kenneth. Tell me what you want… tell me what to do to make you leave me alone” “I… want… YOU”